Chapter 1

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"Earth to Dev, earth to Dev. You still alive?" I hear someone with an annoying voice say.
"Why would you say that to a dead person? Do you expect a response?" I snap at a girl who appears to be someone that, also, goes to my school, another faker. She takes a huge suck from her cigarette and slowly exhales, making the smoke form rings, "why are you always so snappy? Someone having a tough couple of days?" I turn my head, so I'm facing her, and I just stare.
"Well yeah, my life sucks. Got any medicine for me to take?" I reply with a hint of sarcasm in my voice, barely able to tell. Guessing she had enough of me, she stands up and walks away, her red hair turning a sort of green color red in the light bouncing with her every step. I release a sign and turn my head away from where she vanished and looked around. A DJ controlling the music *probably causing everyone some sort of ear damage, people dancing all over each other *making me glance away, people with pale faces leaning against a pole looking around waiting for something to happen *probably waiting for their drugs. Why would people do that? Waste the life their given and actually kill their body?
I take a last and final swish of my drink, what appears to taste like vodka, and stand up, pushing the chair away from me and start walking through the crowd of people "dancing". I push people away with my arms, who either accidentally get in my way or not. After what feels like forever, through all the smoke and dancing people I see the exit and push even harder, I try to push people away but there seems to be way too many people. Once I finally make it to the exit, having to actually shove people aside and maybe making people fall behind me. I open the door, desperate to get out of this way too bright and noisy hut, I feel a gust of wind blow across my face. I quickly let out a smile, before I cover it over with a normal expression, and walk out of the club.
"Hey Cole!" I say, almost yelling, and right after I see a tall, slender man walking towards me, staying in the shadows. I feel my pulse quickening, while the man still approaches me, maybe it's just Cole,no one else! Don't be silly, it definite is Cole. I think in my mind, trying to convince myself.
"Hello there." I hear the man say in a deep and scratchy voice, and I realize that the man that's standing right before me is not Cole, but someone else, someone that reeks of alcohol. My heart skips a beat and I yell again, "Hey Cole, this isn't funny! Come out here, right now." But then there's silence except for the crunch under the man's feet, coming closer to me. Cole's not here right now, you'll just have to fend for yourself for now. Before he takes another step I say "You know, there's a lot of people in there" I point to the door I just came out from, "A lot of people I think you might like." I say in a quiet voice.
"What was that princess? You want something?" He says while taking a step forward, I turn myself on one foot and prepare myself for a sprint, but before I could take two whole steps, I feel a strong hand landing itself on my left arm, taking a huge grip and pulling me backwards before I could get another gulp of air. I feel myself going backwards and my back feeling something soft but firm material. Before I could process what just happened he turns me around so I'm facing him. "You're quick for a girl." He says, again in that scratchy voice. I feel my heart pounding uncontrollably in my chest and feel a scream wanting to come out of my throat, wanting to signal someone for help, but for some reason I wont let it out. Probably because of fear. 

Before I could will myself to scream and yell for help, the man pulls me into him and leans his head towards mine, and I realize what he's doing. He wants to kiss me. This finally activates the scream... before he could bring his lips to touch mine, I take a breath in and screamed with all my might, for help. but it doesn't seem to make a difference. he's still inching closer and its a matter of seconds before he forces his dirty lips on mine.

Then suddenly, I hear feet crunching against the gravel on the ground and I feel the grip of the man's hand on my arm release, and I hit the ground with a thump. Knocking all the wind from my lungs.

I turn over on my side and I see wild black and gray blurs of movement right where I was standing only seconds ago. I quickly feel a wave of nausea come over me and I slowly close my eyes. Waiting to block out everything around me, the man, the people at the club, the birds calling to one another in the night, the city full of lights never getting turned off, the world where everyone acts fake- the world full of fakers. I just want to block. Out. Everything.

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