My Sides Pt. 3

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Okay so guys let's talk, *pats on seat*

Creativity- hiya Kai!

Me- oh uh hey Creativity...why are you here?



Creativity- push is such a strong word, I prefer giving ya a title nudge

Me- did you guys seriously do this just to act out that skit?

C&A- no...

Me- Well since you guys are here maybe ya could help me with a weird thing I have been feeling.

Morality- FEELINGS!

Creativity- are you regarding your feelings towards a certain someone?

Morality- don't you mean-*covers mouth*

Me- Morality please don't!

Anxiety- you mean the person that has sent you into many panic attacks, made you cry your self to sleep, act like a dumbass, and completely blush everywhere!

Morality- sigh their in love!

Me- Whoa whoa, Morality No! As someone who has no clue what love is and how it feels-

Morality- you love your family and friends!

Me- Romantically I mean!

Anxiety- I say you just ditch them and find someone else to like

Creativity- wow who brought you into this.

Morality- You can't just ditch your feelings for someone anxiety, you of all people should know that.

Me-So am I just suppose to keep going how I am now, panicking constantly and crying?

Creativity- you could...confess...


Morality- Or at least work up to moving on.

Me- I knew I was going to copy Thomas but I didn't know it would be this much and I right.

Friendo- Kai what the fuck are you doing

Me- leave me child I am figuring out my feelings.

Creativity- or they could...maybe work up to confessing

Anxiety- they have never confessed their feelings before to someone

Creativity- what about that one guy!

Anxiety- I do not believe they truly liked him. Especially since they were going through intense sexuality struggles and having to keep this in.

Me- I don't think I did either which makes me feel super bad btw

Creativity- did you just say btw out loud?

Me- hush...

Morality- look Kai, which ever you plan choosing do what makes you feel most comfortable. You might lose a chance but you still have them as a friend, and you still have your other friends ready to help and lift you.

Creativity- wow Morality that was touching...

Anxiety- yeah they are not gonna change...

Me- you don't know that!

Anxiety- uh yeah I do because I'm your anxiety! I know how you behave and act!

Me- then I'll change! I'll improve my self...

Morality- that's the spirit!

So yeah that's a small thing about my feelings and yeah if ya got any advice please write them and expect a Sander Sides one shot! tomorrow

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