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So I'm really bored and people seem to like this book and I have gotten back into the Thomas Sanders sander sides fandom thanks to Tik tok. Sooooooo lol.....

This takes place in a red string universe because UWU

Anxiety (Virgil)

It's not every day you meet your soulmate. One minute your having a panic attack over your YouTube channel blowing up and the next you find the pizza guy out your door with a red string attached to his finger that's connected to yours.'s a lot of handle.

"Are you okay?" I am snapped out of my thoughts and it comes to my attention that I have been standing here awkwardly in front of this very attractive brunette. "Oh um...yeah sorry, let me go grab my wallet..." I retreat back into my house and try to make my way upstairs only to have my hand be yanked and I jolt back falling down the stairs.

I groan in pain and seconds later the brunette is at my side. "Oh my god are you okay?"  Oh my god he has a small accent. Kill me... (I'm sorry but accents are hot....) Virgil? Virgil snap out of it your day dreaming again! Answer the god damn man!

"I'm gay!" Way to go you fucking moron. Why did you say that?! Are you a dumbass or something? Virgil, yes that's exactly what you are! Oh thanks  inner self nice to know I can count on you!

My god he's laughing, it's like a million angles singing. "Well I'd hope so!" Shows the bright red stringer attached to his finger. "But that doesn't answer my question. Are you okay?" He asks again and I chuckle and sit up looking down at my lap. "Yes I'm fine...thank you." I look up at the boy who's arm was extended towards me.

I take his hand and he pulls me up. For a skinny white guy he is pretty strong. "What happen, might I ask?" He giggles and I felt my ears burn. "I don't really know, it was like I was yanked back." His eyes became wide and he blushed. "Oh right, the first few days of meeting your soulmate you can't really leave their side..."

My heart stopped as I realized this meant a few days not being able to be apart from the beautiful man. We might have to sleep together. How will I use the bathroom? How will we shower? How will I continue with my job! The brunette cleared his throat to snap me out of my train of thought.

If I had a dollar every time I got lost in thought I wouldn't have to pay another bill. "Well, I guess we are going to be stuck together for a while."

"Unless one of us unites the string..."

"And That has always been proven to give you bad luck, and/or worst."

"Yeah I heard about one girl that untied her string because she couldn't stand being stuck with a girl. When she did a day later her body was found. Her soulmate is still alive though..." we stay quiet after that. What a horrible story. I never want that to happen to me or this boy. Just the thought of having to live with the thought, I wasn't what my soulmate wanted and they rather be gone forever then spend their life with me.

That's terrifying... "I'm Roman!" My head pops up and I cock my head to the side. "I'm Virgil....nice to meet you..." We shake hands and I look up to meet his eyes. A light brown that where a lot prettier then my dull muddy brown eyes.

"How old are you may I ask?" Roman questions, "19, you?" His eyes widened. "My god your practically a child! I'm 22!" So the age difference was a little much but age doesn't matter. I'm just glad I'm with a guy and not a girl nor a old dude. "Heh yeah..."

The silence was awkward no doubt about it. Only then did I remember I still need to pay him. "Oh I still need to pay you!" I exclaim. "It's fine, I called my boss and since we are practically stuck to one another he just took the pizza off my pay check and let me go early."

"Well then let me pay you!"

"Virge, trust me, I was the one that suggested taking it off my pay check. Now wanna eat pizza and get to know each other?" He questions and I smirk pretending to think about it for a second. "Sure why not, Princey!"

Great first fifteen minutes of meeting we have nicknames for each other. Relationshipping the pro way. I smile at Roman and together we got and get the pizza box and sit on the couch talking about everything.


This was fun to write UWU

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