MoralityXAnxiety Fluff

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No homo bros, this is just some pure friendship!

Suggested by StressinDestress

Third POV

"Come on Patton!" Virgil calls out of Patton who was currently looking at a book about cats.

Virgil was rather excited to see the cute barista at Barns and Nobel. Yet didn't wanna seem creepy because this is his third time coming in this week. So he brought Patton,yet Patton gets distracted. Easily. This annoyed Virgil...extremely....

His anxiety rose every time a somewhat attractive boy approached the barista and he wanted nothing more then to go talk to him. "Paaaaat!"

"Okay okay...sorry Virge..." Patton sat the book down and grabbed Virgil's wrist and led him to the Starbucks area. The realization of what's going on hit Virgil and he began to panic. Heart started bumping and he began to sweat. Everything that could go wrong seemed to go through his head and he knew he instantly couldn't do this.

Virgil stopped in his tracks and Patton glanced back giving him a worried look. "Virgil?" He ask and Virgil removed his arm from Pattons soft grip and rushed off. Patton pressed his lips together and instantly knew Virgil was having a panic attack. The best thing he could do was help him out a bit. He knew what he had to do...

Virgil was sitting in the comic book section earbuds blasting his music trying to calm him self down. He picked up one comic book about two male lovers that went through some trial and accidentally burnt down the others house. From what Virgil can tell the ending was good but he was just looking through it.

Enjoying the art work, and embracing how the media is so acceptable. Virgil sets the book down and feels a tap on his shoulder. Jumping but expecting it to be Patton he took a earbud out and turned around and looked up. There was the cute barista. "Hi, your friend told me you could use someone to talk to. I just got off wanna talk?" He asked and Virgil blushed and nodded. He sat down and handed him pink drink quickly recognized as the tea he loved. Virgil instantly knew Patton talked to him. Reminding himself to love and hate Patton forever for this.

"I'm Roman by the way!"

"Virgil...nice to meet you Roman."

"Virgil is a really pretty name...what are you looking at?"

And it took off, they talked a lot. Like for a good hour and a half before he had to return to work. Yet Roman made sure to give the cute emo his digits and leave with a small flirt.

Virgil went and found Patton in the games section of the store and he instantly tackled him into a hug. "Thank you...thank you...I love you so much!" Virgil says muffled by Pattons sweater and Patton instantly hugs back giving out a small chuckle and smirked.

"I'm taking it things went well?"

"It was great!" Virgil squealed and Patton smiled. Very proud of his dark strange friend. Patton knew that he lost a possible interest. His crush on the anxious boy didn't mean anything as long as Virgil was happen. Even if that meant it wasn't with him.

Patton was sure he'd fine someone else...hopefully...

Two Months passed and Virgil and Roman where in a full relationship. Patton tried to hide the fact that he was dying every time he saw Virgil and Roman together yet he was oddly happy at the same time.

"Pat!" Patton spun around and saw a boy approaching him. He had a beanie on and wore skinny black jeans that where ripped and had a white shirt with roses on the pocket on. This boy definitely looked to be the darker type. "You Patton right?" Patton raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Your friend told me you needed someone to talk to...wanna talk?" Patton smirked and saw Virgil smirking from the other end of Barns and Nobel. "Yup that's me...I could use someone to talk to."

"My names Deceit... Patton is a really cute name..."

Once again Patton looked over Deceits shoulder and saw Virgil give him a wink. Pattons face flushed red and he giggled slightly.

Both boys will always be best friends. Yet they ate their biggest wingmen.


This was shit sorry Lilly XD I tried to make it quick and easy yet it ended up really bad.

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