Chapter 4: Honey, I'm Home!- Part 1

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After Monsé went home, I went downstairs to eat dinner alone. I was pulling out a box of Kraft Mac N' Cheese from the pantry when I heard the ping of my phone getting a new message. I jolted upright, hitting my head on one of the shelves as I backed out. I winced, rubbing the back of my skull as I flipped my phone over on the counter to check my lock screen for the notification. To my surprise, my best friend, Michael, had texted me. I pressed my home screen to unlock my phone and clicked on the icon.

Michael: Hey, uh, your parents aren't home... right?

I tilt my head in confusion.

Josie: Um, no, y?

It dinged in immediate response.

Michael: I have a present for you. Open your door.

I arch an eyebrow suspiciously.

Josie: I swear to God. If there is a dead fucking animal on my doorstep, I will kill u. And I'm not kidding!

Michael: All I can promise is it's not dead.

I feel my heart begin to pound. It's Michael. What can he not put on my doorstep?


Michael: Can't say...;)

I rushed to the entryway, seeing his shadow through the clouded glass. I walked forward to open the door, put my hand on the handle, but hesitated. Why was I scared? I bet it's nothing...

With a burst of courage, I flung the door open and shrieked when I saw what it was. Was it an animal? Yes, give or take. Was it dead? No. But I was about to be. 

On my doorstep stood my now ex-boyfriend, Kris Hollis. The one. The only.

"Kris?!" I cry in disbelief, covering my mouth with my hand. Shit, I thought as my mind clouded in anger. No, no, no....

"Surprise!" He grins, holding his arms out, gesturing for a hug. But I stay put, stiffening.
"What the hell?" I whisper-scream, tossing my hand out furiously. "You can't just show up at my doorstep! What if someone sees you?!"

"What if someone sees me?" He challenges, stepping forward and reaching for me. "All they're gonna see is me kissing my beautiful girlfriend."

He leaned in for a kiss, and I backed away just in time to see him stumble. A look of hurt and confusion crossed his face before he said, "Playing hard to get, huh?"

"No, I'm just..." I averted my eyes to the ground. I couldn't find the courage to explain. How was I even supposed to tell him about Monsé?

"Nevermind." I say quietly, rocking back on my heels. What the fuck am I supposed to say? I just lost my virginity to someone who wasn't Kris, and if he found out? Well, guess I'd lose him, too

"You can't just show up on my doorstep and act like everything is ok, Kris." I say sternly. His face softens. 
"Josie, I-"

 "No." I interrupt, holding a hand out to silence him. He stares at me, shocked.
"You've been gone for almost thirteen months. You realize you missed my birthday? Valentine's Day? Christmas?" I lean forward, jabbing his chest with my index finger. "It's... It's not the same as when you were here." I admit.

"What does that mean?" He asks, tears building on the rim of his eyes. But I wasn't going to fall for him. I was not going to show him any pity.

"It means..." I start, fixing my eyes to the little red flag stood up beside my mailbox. I bit my lip nervously.
Should I tell him? Yeah. Just get this over with.

"I've been in another relationship thinking you were actually done with me. For good." I admit. He gasps in horror. "I lost my virginity, Kris. I'm bisexual."

I stood there in silence, letting the words sink in. Realization crossed his face.
"Yo-you did what?" He asks in a whisper.

"Please don't make me say it again in front of Michael. I just..." I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "You were gone on what seemed like a fucking military deployment, and I thought you weren't coming back. So, I went and found myself a girl and-"
"Wait...girl?" He asks.
"I literally just told you, " I snap.
"Who is it?" He asks, his voice breaking.

"Monsé Jamel." I confess. "We've been dating for five months now."

"Oh, that's fine," He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Like, I thought you meant you actually lost your virginity," he sighed, relieved. My eyebrows knit together over my nose.
"I did." I say through gritted teeth, balling my fists at my side.

"No, you didn't," He opposes, holding up a finger. "I don't even care that you were dating a girl."

With this, I was almost shaking with anger. And why does he have the say on what and what doesn't count when it comes to between my legs?

"I bet you don't even care I made love to a woman, don't you?" I ask, my patience running thin. 

"Yeah," He admits, shrugging. "but as long as you like boys more, it doesn't matter." He says coolly. I gripped the doorframe tightly.

"You need to leave." I said, my voice as calm and steady as I could make it.

"Why? I didn't do anything," He protests.
"'Didn't do anything'?" I echo, tilting my head and raising my eyebrows. Michael flinches. "You're trying to tell me you have the authority to judge what goes between my legs, whether it's a finger, skin, or a piece of plastic. Yes, Kris, it does matter." I snap, jabbing my finger at his chest. Yes, it does count. Yes, you definitely did 'something'. Now, get off of my property before I make you," I snarl, my face inches from his. His eyes darted back and forth from each of mine, and after a long, silent while and an offended scoff, he backed away.

"Wow, okay. Guess I'm not the only one who's changed," He mutters. And with that, Kris turned his back, escorted Michael down the walkway to my porch and disappeared into his little black Honda again.

Hey guys, it's Nicole_Garza131. This isn't really one of my best chapters. Sorry. The next one will be better. Also, something may or may not happen between Kris, Monsé, and Josie...;)

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