Chapter 13: Things Can Go Right Or Wrong. They Went Horrifically Wrong.

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Monsé's P.O.V

I didn't know what I was going to do. My girlfriend was mad at me, my parents didn't know that I was pregnant, and most importantly, I WAS PREGNANT.

Ugh, and you have the girls at school thinking the worst thing that could happen is no date to the prom.

After Josie kicked me out, I just wondered mindlessly through the hospital, looking at patients through their glass windows. Some were alone, sleeping peacefully while some were hooked up to IV's with their family surrounding them. All I could think was, Josie has no one now. At least until she forgives me. If she forgives me. I just didn't know what to do.

About an hour later, Noah called.

Noah: Hey. Where are you?

Me: Oh, I thought I told you I was at the hospital. I said, completely confused.

Noah: You did, but you said you would be back in thirty minutes and that was an hour ago.

Me: I'm sorry. I must have lost track of the time. I'll be at my place in five minutes.

Noah: It's fine, Love. I'm at my house right now. Just come over here. I'll text you the address.

Me: Oh, um, ok. My ridiculous self said, somewhat startled that he asked me to go to his house.

Noah: You good?

Me: Yeah, I've just never been to your house before.

Noah: Would you rather me come to your house?

Me: No! I replied, a little too quickly for part of me wanted something more than just talking to happen, and that couldn't happen with my parents at home.

Noah: Okey-dokey. I'll see you in a bit. He chuckled and hung up.

A few seconds after he hung up, I got a text from him stating his address.

5643 Willow Dr

I got in my car and started driving. My GPS said that it would take about 10 minutes to get there.

When I got there, he was already outside waiting.

"Hello, Love. How are you?"

"I could be better," I stated blatantly.

He wrapped me in his arms and just hugged me. All the emotion I'd been keeping bottled up just started pouring out, and I just cried in his arms until my tear ducts had run out of tears and the parallel rivers on my face were dried out.

He brought me inside and sat me on his couch while he made some coffee. When he came back he asked me what was going on as he handed me a coffee cup.

"I went and told Josie that I was pregnant and she kicked me out of her room. Then I went around the hospital just thinking about nothing. I didn't realize how much I've been going through, until today. I mean, just think. I'm 16 and pregnant, my parents don't know, I have mid-terms coming up, I'm a terrible girlfriend to Josie because while she's in the hospital I'm fucking a cop who may or may not lose his job depending on who we tell about the pregnancy, and-"

"Babe, calm down. You're going to make an incredible mother, and when the time is right, you'll tell your parents, and with Josie? You made a mistake. I'll be honest, she may or may not forgive you, but just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you're a terrible girlfriend. And as for me losing my job? As long as we don't say I'm the father, then we're good," he said in a loving boyfriend type of way. It was comforting. "So, just calm down and drink your coffee."

I nodded and brought the steaming hot cup of coffee to my lips. It was satisfying, having the hot coffee flow down my throat. After a few moments, we decided to watch a movie and just relax. I texted my mom and said I was going to be at the library for a few hours to study for the mid-terms.

We put in a movie and laid back. It was a comical movie that had Kevin Hart in it, so I was laughing the entire time. I was completely oblivious to Chase's googly-eyes until he kissed me. When I pulled back, I asked him why he did that.

"I don't know. I just wanted to, I guess," he replied, embarrassed.

"Oh, ok. Coo-," my words stopped as I jumped up and ran into the kitchen and threw up all of the fluids in my body.

Then, all of a sudden, I saw red. Not in the vomit, no. I saw it in my vision. I felt tears roll down my eyes and went to wipe them away.

When I brought my hand back down, there was blood.

I was crying blood.


I know, I know. This is a short chapter. I'm sorry. I couldn't really figure out what to add. If you have ideas, let me know.

A/N #2

I am so so so so so sorry about the confusion on Noah's name and the fact that I didn't realize it til now. His name is Noah and I have no idea where "Chase" came from. I am so so so sorry again.

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