Chapter 8: Josie... I'm Sorry

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Monsé's point of view:

I screamed. I screamed in horrific fear . I screamed for help. I just sat there and screamed, holding Josie's head in my lap as I pet her forehead. Tears fell like raindrops on her hair and skin. 

"Baby? Babe, wake up! Wake up for me!" I gently shook her as I checked her pulse as they had shown me in old my CPR class. She had one, but it was just under forty five. Slow. Very slow. I yelled at no one. Then I heard it. The best thing in the world. 

"This is the police! Open up!" Someone must have heard my frantic screaming. I sprinted to the door, yanked it open, and started telling the two police officers at Josie's door what had happened. The young one grabbed my shoulder while repeating in his smooth voice, "It's going to be ok. Please calm down, Miss."

After he said that what felt like a million times, the ambulance was here. It took less than seven minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I remember when we were at the hospital, I called her mom. 

"Hello? Mrs. Lovejoy? Hi, this is Monsé. Josie's friend."
Josie hadn't come out to her parents yet.

"Josie's in the hospital right now."

She scoffed. She actually, legitimately scoffed. "She's just being overdramatic."

"Your daughters in the hospital," I snarl into the phone. "I guarantee you she is not being overdramatic because she's unconscious. She collapsed on your living room floor. You are one of the worst moms in history if you think your child is being overdramatic!"

I took a deep breath and continued.

"I've spent the last few months loving your daughter! While it's practically my job to love her, it's your job just as much. Hell, you should love her more than I do! Instead, while you're up in New York, probably boning your boss, I'm here taking care of her-"

I stopped as the doctor came out.

"Um, are you family?" He asked. 

"I'm her girlfriend." I say blandly.

"Oh uh, I need to talk to the family."

"I'm the closest thing she has to family," I say loud enough for Mrs. Lovejoy to hear through the phone.

"Ok, then. I think it's best for you to sit down," he says. I take a seat and he takes a deep breath.


I immediately cut him off. "Josie,"  I corrected. It was always bad news when a doctor called a patient by their full first name. 

"Excuse me. Josie, then. It seems Josie has a tumour in her stomach."

I fell out of my chair and cried. 

"No! No, she can't have one! She was just fine yesterday! No! You have to help her!" I screamed. The same police from earlier, whose name was, as I had recently learned, Officer Clark had to help me back into my chair. 

"Hello? Hello, what in the world is going on out there?" I heard Josie's mom say. I forgot I hadn't hung up.

"She has a fucking tumour!" I screamed, not caring that I was swearing at an older woman. I stayed on the line long enough to hear her gasp. 

A few hours later, I was sitting at the island in my kitchen finishing my, no joke, tenth glass of wine. I'm pretty sure I was drunk, but I didn't care. I heard a knock on my door about five minutes into my eleventh glass. I stumbled off my chair and went to the door, swaying as I walked. 

"Hooooo ithit?" I yelled, pouring the remaining maroon-coloured wine down the kitchen sink. 

"Officer Clark," the voice replied. Oh shit! He's gonna bust me for underage drinking!!!

I opened the door and there he was. The most perfect person alive. 

"Heyyyy, Offither Clark," I slurred. "How wasth your dthay?"

"Mine was good. I brought over a cake for you to eat to process the news, but it looks like you already found something," he said, gesturing towards the two now empty wine bottles left on the counter and the dripping wine glass.

"I can explain! I shwear!"

"It's fine. I understand." He smirks.

Oh my gosh! This is the best fucking cop ever!

"Well, I should go now. I have to get home and feed my dog."

"My parents aren't home!" I blurt. Whoa! Where did that come from? 

"Ok? I should really get back home-" I grabbed his shirt and yanked him inside. I started kissing him. 

He pulled away. 

"Hey! Look, you're drunk and you just found out your girlfriend has a tumour. While this might seem like what you want, it really isn't."

I whine. "Yes, it is!" 

"No. It's not. Plus you're 16 and I'm 23. It's illegal."

"It's illegal to drink if you're under 21," I say in reply. 

I kiss him again. He pulls away, looking at me for a second before kissing me back. His left hand runs up and down my back while his right hand holds my hair. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He lays me on the couch, not taking a breath from the kissing, and gently lays on top of me. His left hand transfers from my back to my front and under my shirt. He cups my boob and gently squeezes. I moan. He takes off his shirt. Then mine. Our bare stomachs are touching. He picks me up again, my legs wrapped around him, and asks where my room is. I point while he kisses me again. 

We're in my room now. When he sat me on my bed, he took off my pants. Then he laid on top of me. His hands are no longer on the top of my body. He slides his hands down my outer thigh, then the inside. He's moving closer to that spot. I moan when he reaches it. He hooks his finger around my pink heart-shaped underwear and yanks them off. I'm just in my bra. But that leaves a few seconds after the underwear. I'm completely naked. He took off his pants and boxers. Soon, we're just one huge bowl of spaghetti, tangled up in each other's arms and legs. He kisses my neck. He's moving downward. He's between my boobs, then under them, then right in the middle of my stomach, then the crease where my thigh meets my torso, then my inner thigh. I'm moaning. I've only had sex with one other guy before. And I hated it. That's why I'm a lesbian....was a lesbian. This boy....this man is great. He's kissing his way up again. 

"Are you ready?" he asks.

"Yeah," I reply. I feel a sharp pain in between my legs. But it was a good pain. It felt great. 

A few days later, I was lying in bed, thinking about that night's events. I suddenly thought Oh shit! We didn't use a condom! I had been feeling a bit off. I just had to wait until my period came. I wasn't pregnant. It's just a virus. 


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