Chapter 7: Josie! What's Wrong?!

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So. Kris is gay. Hmmmmm, ok. Kris and Andrew. Andrew and Kris. 

Monsé called the next morning. She asked if she could come over because we needed to talk. "Ummm, yeah, ok. I guess. I get off of work at 6:30, so I should be home by 6:45. Is that a good time?"I said. I was a little skeptical because, while it sounded like her voice on the phone, it didn't sound like her. 

During work, all I could think about was what Monsé was going to say. At one moment or another, I accidentally gave a customer too much change back. Like, $50 more than I should've. My boss came over during my lunch break and asked if everything was ok. "Oh, yeah, Gary. I'm fine. Just didn't sleep enough last night." After saying it enough, I was starting to believe that I was fine. Then it was 6:45, and I was at home sitting on my couch with Monsé. 

"I-" we both said at the same time. We both laughed. #AWKWARD

"You first" we said again. Laughed again. #STILLAWKWARD

"Ok" she said quickly. "I'll go first. I was thinking about what you said. About Chris. How do you spell it?"

"Uhhh, weird question. But it's spelled K-R-I-S. Why?" I was confused now. Why was she suddenly so interested in Kris? Was there something I didn't know? Of course there was. There always was with Monsé. 

"So, I don't want to hurt you or anything..."

Oh God. She hooked up with him!

"....But I think my ex is dating him."

I started laughing really loud from relief. She looked at me like I was crazy. Which, I probably was.

"Are you ok, Josie?"

"Yeah, it's just....ha, it's just Kris said he was dating a guy named Andrew after we had talked last night." 

"Funny. That's my ex's-" She stopped. She looked at me, confused. "You knew, didn't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah. When Kris told me, I started thinking about how I thought your ex's name was Andrew. I was going to tell you, but I didn't know how to."

"Yeah no, its all good. Andrew came to my house last night. He'd been away for almost 14 months. I thought he expected us to get back together, but when I told him I was a lesbian, he laughed and said it was fine because he was gay." She stopped to take a breath. When she started again, it was like the whole world stopped. I don't know what happened. All I know is that after she said the word gay, I collapsed onto the floor. 

Everything went black.

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