Chapter 17: Frankenstein

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Josie's POV 

I slowly fell asleep as the surgeon put the anesthesia mask over my nose. 


I couldn't move my body, so I just turned my head. I could see blood on the floor and wondered whose it was. 

Then I felt it. 

The excruciating pain, it felt like someone had ripped my organs out and then just shoved them all back in. I started screaming in pain. I saw the blood drip down the side of the table and realized it was my blood on the floor. I screamed even louder. I started shaking as the doctors came in to sedate me. I felt a needle go in my neck and then coolness run through my veins. 

More Blackness

When I woke up, I was in a normal hospital bed. Monsé was there, Officer Clark, sorry, Noah, was there. Then I turned my head. 

"Mamá?", tears already forming at my throat.

"Sí, mi hija. Estoy aquí, mi amor. Estoy aquí.", she said in a gentle tone. One I haven't heard since I was in grade school. 

"Lo siento mucho, Mamá.", I said breaking down. The tears started flowing down my face before I could even stop them. She got up and hugged me, saying everything would be alright. 

Then Monsé walked up to me. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Oh, Josie. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about everything. When I thought I lost you, I-I was so scared. I didn't know what to do."

Then Noah:

"Hey, Josie. How are you feeling?", he said. All awkwardness gone from his voice. Just pure concern.

"I'm as good as I can be.", I replied in a rasp voice.

Then Kris ran through the door. 

"Josie?! Josie, what happened?! People were saying you were gone. That you died. What happened??", he said in such a loving way, it made me cry. 

"I'm so sorry, Kris. I should've told you.", I whispered. "I was diagnosed with a tumor a few weeks ago. If I had listened to the doctor, it wouldn't have been this bad, but I didn't listen. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, baby. You're ok now. That's all that matters.", he said solemnly. 

Then my dad walked in. It took me a few seconds to recognize him. His once jet black hair had so many grey strands it looked more like granite, and his once clean, smooth face now had stubble that matched his hair. It looked like someone had punched him in both eyes. 

He looked up at me and instantly started crying.

"Jeesh, Dad. You been working too much.", I said jokingly. He laughed a little. We've always been close, so it was really good to see him. 

About two hours later, everyone except Monsé and Noah. I had fallen asleep but woke up to find them whispering in a corner.

Deciding to eavesdrop, I pretended I was still asleep.

"Mon, you need to go talk to Dr. Chord. The blood...he says it might be more serious than it was to begin with.", Noah said with boyfriend like concern. It bothered me.

"What I need to do is stay here with my girlfriend. It's bad enough that I got pregnant and that I'm actually starting to fall for you and-" Wait...what did she just say? I thought as everything else faded away. She likes him? What does that mean??? Oh, god. Why the fuck is this happening?

"You like him?", I asked a bit louder than planned.

"It doesn't matt-", Monsé stopped mid-sentence and turned. "Oh, baby. You weren't supposed to hear that. Just go back to sleep."

"You like him.", this time I stated it.

"Y-yes. BUT I love you. That will never change.", she said, trying not to cry.

"Don't cry. But to be honest. You should go with him. You're having his baby, and who knows. This tumor thing might come back or might still be there. I won't be able to take care of you and it's just better all around.", I said. I tried to keep my composure, but was slowly failing. 

"Are you...breaking up with me??", she whispered. Tears slowly made their way to the corners of her eyes. 

"I-I'm sorry, Monsé. It has to be this way. I love you. Goodbye.", And I fell fast asleep. When I woke up, Monsé was no where to be found.


This is the end!!!!! I finished it. 2nd book coming soon!!!

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