Chapter 14: Going Under

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Josie's P.O.V

As I was trying to process what I had just been told, Dr. Alan started talking to a bunch of other surgeons. 

"She's going to need surgery stat!", he yelled as he picked me up off the floor. I thought I would stop crying and get serious, but every time I took a breath, I cried harder and the pain got worse. I mentally told Monsé everything I wanted to say right then and there because I knew I wouldn't live through this surgery. I just wished I could write it out for her to see.

Hey Babe,

        I know I've said this a million times, but I  love you. More than you will ever know. I'm going to miss you. And I'm sad I won't get to meet Baby Monsé. While I may still be upset at your mistake, I can't and won't lie. I would've never left you. Or your baby. Honestly, I don't know what I would do without you. You have the cop. But after I'm gone, who will I have? I know you're probably worried about the surgery. You're probably praying that I'll come out alive, but I want to be one-hundred percent honest. I don't think I will. I'm sorry that the last words I ever said to you were "Get out". What I wished I had said and hope you know is "It's okay. We'll get through this together. I'll be here for you. And if you want the cop in your life, in your child's life, I won't stop you. As long as we are together, I will raise that child as my own. I don't care what people say. If they want to judge me for wanting to raise a child that isn't my own, then let them. Because you are my true love, and I will always be there for you". Sadly, that can only be done to a certain extent. You ARE my true love, and I WILL always be there for you and Baby Monsé; just not in person. When I'm gone, tell your baby everything about me. All good things and bad. When I was a bitch, when I was an angel. I love you. I love you. I love you. Goodbye, mi amor. 



I know that it sounds majorly depressing, but to be fair, I had a tumor in my stomach that was growing by the minute. 

Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted up and a mask going on my face. It was only then that I realized the full situation. I wasn't going to wake up. This was it, this was my last day on Earth. 

"Wait!", I shouted though it sounded muffled. "WAIT!!", I shouted again when no one heard me. Dr. Alan looked at me, worried and confused.

"What, Josie? We need to hurry."

"Someone call Monsé before I go under. She needs to be here."

A few minutes later(Narrators POV)

"Where is she?! Where's Josie?", Monsé yelled as Noah followed, closely behind. 

"Ma'am. MA'AM! Calm down. Ms. Josie is in the operating room-", a nurse named Patti, said in a South Texan accent.

"I need to be there!", Monsé cried again, this time tears were streaked down her face like parallel rivers.

"I understand that. And Ms. Josie won't let anyone operate on her until she sees you. Right this way, please.", Patti replied in a calm tone. 

As Pattie led Monsé down a hallway, Monsé kept praying that Josie wasn't about to die. Chase held her hand the entire time. 

When Monsé got to the OR, she had to use all her might to keep from crying. Josie was on an operating table, a thin, paper blanket over her thin, frail body, and a small, paper head cap on her head. Monsé thought it was so terrifying; seeing the person she loved the most about to undergo surgery.

"Monsé? Is that you?", Josie asked in a weak and raspy tone, yet she had what looked like a smile on her face. It sounded like she was losing her voice. Monsé looked at her girlfriend and wondered if this was the last time she would ever see her. 

"'s me.", Monsé said. She had no idea what else to say. Her girlfriend was in the hospital and all she could think was: OMG OMG OMG. What am I gonna do??? 

"Hello, Josie," Chase hesitantly said. "I'm Officer Noah Clark. I was the one that came to your house when you collapsed a few weeks ago. I thought I would come to support you as well as Monsé."

"You're the one that got my girlfriend pregnant.", Josie replied. She said it as though she wasn't upset. She sounded as though she was almost ok with it.

"Uh-I-um-yes, that's me." It was clear that Noah had become tense and awkward when Josie said that, but she didn't care. 

Josie looked at Monsé then, tears forming at the corners of both their eyes.

"Monsé, I'm so sorry for everything. I shouldn't have said what I said, and I shouldn't have made you leave the room. I should've talked to you about what's going to happen, and I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to again. I know I've said this before, but I love you, and I will never forget you. You made me realize what it meant to love. You made me realize what it meant to actually care about someone  and not pretend. You made me a better person, and I don't think your kid could have found a better mom," Josie looked at Chase. "Or a better dad. Thank you so much for taking care of Monsé when I couldn't. It means the world to me." Josie looked at Monsé again. "I don't think we will see each other again while I'm alive. I don't want to scare you, but I do want you to be prepared. I know that you're probably just as scared as I am, and that's ok. Chase is going to take care of-", Josie wanted to say more. Had to say more. But the words got stuck in her mouth as she lost her breath. 

"JOSIE!!!", was the last thing she heard as she was carried into the operating room and laid down on the cold, hard, metal table. 

A needle and some sedative later, Josie's world went black. 


I am soooo sorry it's taken me almost 2 months to write this chapter. I will try to be more consistent. A bunch of shit has been going on. Like in October, I found out I had a little sister, and this month, about two weeks ago, I found out my aunt now has stage 4 Melanoma (Skin Cancer). So, yeah. I am super sorry, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

A/N #2 

Like a few chapters ago, I am so so so sorry about Noah's name. I have no idea where "Chase" came from.

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