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SHIPPEROFLIFE asks: What do the Dokis think of the monsters and how they would react to seeing the AU versions?

Yuri: Well...it kind of depends on which AU. Underswap would be promising, but if it was something like Underfell...

Natsuki: I have to agree with Yuri.

*shocked gasps*

Natsuki: Shut up. Underfell wouldn't be that fun...or Horrortale. But Storyshift would be pretty damn hilarious.

Sayori: Storyshift would be pretty funny, actually!

Monika: I...am not really sure. I haven't given it much thought, to be honest, but I agree with the others.

THEMAGICALDORITO asks: What other fandoms are you in?


too many.

(Supernatural, PJO, Harry Potter, Over the Garden Wall, Sanders Sides, Starkid, Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Rick and Morty, TCAOS, The Office, etc.)

Spaghetti_Sensei asks: Monika, how would you feel if 'The Great Papyrus' fell in love with you?

Monika: I- um, I guess I would be...happy? Not that I like him, of course, it would just be nice to have someone have a crush on me...

givemefoodandbooks asks: What musical are you in and what role are you playing?

Well, the musical I was in when I still uploaded was James and the Giant Peach - I was the Centipede. Currently, I'm in Aladdin (it's probably going to cancelled because of Covid-19 though so idk)

Midnightlighter asks: Who is your favorite DDLC/Undertale character?

For DDLC, probably Monika. For Undertale...um, Sans or Chara. Polar opposites, I know, I just relate to them.

. . .

That's all for my very delayed Q/A. If you have any other questions for me or any of the characters, feel free to ask them and I/we will answer one of them per chapter.

Bye, peaches!

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