\ Into her \

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That's something she lost. She grew apart from herself. She pretended. She ought to think of herself as the not so good enough kind. Change was the only direction paved for her. Hence she explored, into a lonely a path of nowhere. She felt the cowardice in her and yet, she stepped forward. With every drop of suffering, she faced. With every hint of pain, she continued in the path.

Every step she took, made a difference in her. Every breath she inhaled, caught her of different air. She didn't know where she was going but she learned her lessons throughout.

She waited. Unwillingly. Deep inside, still scared of everything. She was the adrenaline rush that she faked.


She thought she was her own demise. Predicted tragedy but still stepped forward.

She couldn't help but wonder why. The will to go on, the pleasure no more but the pain resided.

That's when she knew that the burden she carried.

A heart yet absorbed, not a single stain in it.

And that was probably how she lost her sanity.

A/N : Making up for not writing my other stories. Hope you like it. Thank you.


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