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Her eyes widened. That now felt quite numb. Perhaps she felt oblivious of love, affection, compassionate and regret. As her lips touched his familiar ones, she further realised that nothing could be brought back.

The past was the past.

Something she couldn't look back on. Something that made her keep walking forward in life. Her weakness was never him but what he did and how she reacted to it. The emotions that caused her the hysteria of incomprehensible pain and lack of realisation.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly pulled back with a poker face on.

What exactly did she feel?


"Not a word, Eric." Her voice reflected firmness and strenght.

"Why?" He pleased with his voice cracking.

Why, she repeated to herself.

Sometimes, things were better left unsaid because that way it seemed less heartbreaking, than to point out another's flaws, be honest with the twist of one's emotions or even the blunt decisions taken rather quickly without thinking twice. And then say why it never worked out. To say that the relationship being as intense and heavy as an iron rod having the capability to shatter as the fragile piece of glass, just a clank, a smoothly but a sizzling noise and the only way to walk past it would be walking on the scattered sharp pieces that made you bleed.

That's the kind of relationship that they shared.

The car stopped midway, the breeze was slowly but blowing harshly in sync with the grey clouds smothering over the car and the grey, plain road as dull as the skies leading no where but to a bunch of regrets and pain, that's why she stopped. That's why she pulled back.

And that's why she never said why.

"Please," He started again.

She looked calm with a firm mind set. Atleast one of them need to be strong to let go, to be free, to alter their fates, to explore the better part of the universe that they were yet to figure. Maybe the galaxies weren't tied to them afterall.

With all her courage,even if she loved him, even if she felt all the kinds of emotions raging inside this accumulated space of car, even if it's going to divulge her in the most of her regret, despair and all kinds of pessimistic emotions, she decided. Against her brain, with her heart.

This was her insanity.

Slowly, her dry, cold hand caught his left cheek, soothingly caressing it until the cheek suddenly turned tender and wet. A feeling of cold but soft moist was felt in her palms. The cheeks seemed wet with helpless tears streaming down from his lashes. She stared at the beautiful creature of God now falling apart with no sense of hope in his eyes. Bits and pieces. Breaking into something that she had always feared of. Her lips dared to quiver in anxiety but his big hand came over hers, covering her hands that lay on his wet cheek. Then she felt it, the tremble in his hand, the fear of losing her, only mildly.

That was why she never understood him. He was a cold meat of beef. His hands held in fear and enrage. Two very strong emotions but what could be possibly done?

One last time, she looked at his eyes. The dark, mesmerizing, catchy eyes of his. The one that seemed welcoming but not, cold but affectionate, angry but lovable. The eyes she solely missed, she will miss. Certainly the past was nothing but a fog of nostalgia powerful enough to lure you in to a temporary illusion of happiness and love.

But she knew.

Even the fog cleared  and illusions are nothing but the magic in itself. The magic of love. Everyone did quite know that magic didn't last. But none can deny the charm of it.  Maybe that was the whole point. The whole point of love that withered away in a certain period of time. Something that never lasted. But unforgettable were the emotions, feelings and experiences that your heart absorbed everytime. Countless. Inescapable. Gullible.

"Don't come again. It's not worth it. None of this is. You can't resurrect the dead and neither can you bring a long gone love back to the present. Put your life together. Put yourself together. Put me away because I am nothing but a part of your past. A past that showed you feelings and whatnot. I know that you don't regret any of this because it may have been reasonable. But the person that needs to regret is myself. You left me without telling me why. If our relationship was real, we would have already sailed past that stage right? Would the whole thing be worth it in the end?"

It was like but a soap. Slowly disappearing everytime you rubbed hardly on it. And then you replace it for a new one, for the previous one was worthless and cannot be used anymore. That's where their love fell apart, in the small remaining piece of soap with drops of it yet to be demolished.

Perhaps it was never meant to be. Somehow, a puzzle that fit eventually. Built to break.

"All my life, all I loved mostly was my dad, my family, my blood bonds and then came everything else. But you taught me that they weren't all. Hell, we will all meet this other person that could either completely break us apart or fit with us like the perfect other half till death do us apart. And now, I lost that..........person." The last word barely audible but heard loud and clear.

She smiled. Yes, she did. Because she was glad she taught him otherwise. She may not be there in his life anymore but she was a lesson to him. She wasn't worthless but a mere diamond accidently thrown out of the window.

His eyes gleamed in confusion. But the time had finally arrived.

"I got to go." She said opening the passenger door.

"Will I see you again?"

"In your wildest dreams, I hope." And he slightly cringed.

"Goodbye Isabella,"

"Goodbye Eric,"

"I love you alot."

"I loved you too."


The slow breathing of both of them taking in the situation and the consequences that were yet to come. And so, their eyes interlocked with a better sense of understanding and conflict. Tearing his eyes away, he looked at the road ahead of him, he started to drive away, slowly disappearing ouf her sights, forever.

She sighed feeling a sharp inhale of breath that consisted the weight of complete, rigid emotions that she couldn't fathom. Her tears stopped midway. Her throats engulfing the soft sobs. Sometimes, situations like this made people stronger or worse. But it made her do the only thing she could definitely do. Walk forward and of course, breathe.

Realisation hit her like a wave of tsunami. There she was left all alone, stranded in the midst of a completely lonely road by her ex-lover, the storm threatening to fall anytime with the clouds collapsing slowly above her. And she might as well had no idea where in the hell of a world she was standing.

Nevertheless, how romantic.


my story is on #570 in  short stories.

-Belly dancing-

Looking forward to write more.


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