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She stared at him. In shock, rather mesmerized. She held her breath. Again, she was unable to walk. What was he doing here? Why was he sitting on the front porch of her house now she lived?

What the hell was going on?

She ought to think she could she handle the situation calmly but what hurt the most was that how much she would cry after he left, as he always did. His face yet so worn but beautiful. The sun that had faded in her life, simply sitting calmly infront of her house. She swallowed her shock and walked ahead. Something she was quite fond of doing lately.

"Eric," She was surprised how tough her voice came out.

"Isabella," He acknowledged. She shivered inside.

"So, what brings you here?" She said rather calmly, sitting beside him.

"Well, I had to return something," He said slightly moving closer to her.

The tiny, fragile space between them seemed like a bridge that should be crossed in a hazardous storm. That thin, rigid line caused a foreign atmosphere around them but that's when she realised that she was numb right now. Remembering what Tyler had told about the process of pain, she suddenly realised how she felt and where she stood.

Because no matter what a part of her will always love him.

"Return--? Oh, do you want to come inside for some coffee or something?" She said trying to be polite.

"Sure," He sighed in the end.

Slowly, she walked to the door, unlocking it. Her house was just too quiet and the atmosphere was awkwardly tensed. But as calm as she was, she made coffee and gave it him as he sat on the couch. The very couch they used to kiss passionately on. How weird it felt to sit on it now, for him.

Whilst, she sat right infront of him being completely aware what she would feel if sat on the couch with him.


A part of her legs trembled, her numb body trying to recollect what was happening at the moment, she wanted to appear strong to him. She was being rather calm for her own strong will. And that kept her going.

"Wanna ditch town for a while?" He asked, drinking his coffee.

"For what?" She raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Just--for a memory we could still make,"

"Memories we make are unnecessary,"

"I fucking miss you,"  He said concentrating on his cup.

She smiled.

A pity one. For him.

Grabbing her coat, she washed the cups and locked up the house. She didn't know where they were going. She always told herself to distance herself from him and not let out too many emotions around him. Cause fixing a broken heart is impossible. Broken hearts are not a puzzle to be fixed.

He waited for her in his car on the driveway. He didn't think she would come. He had hoped that the sudden sight of him would cause her to cry and he would go comfort her and cuddle in bed together as they used to before. He didn't expect her to come off so strong, rigid and calm as she had been. He didn't realise much changes in her. He still saw her cherry lips, he used to kiss.

He wished he could again. Soon,

She ran upto his car, sitting on the passenger seat. Not even a word was uttered for the next fifteen minutes of the ride. He was rather frustrated, he wanted to know how she had been and he was quite sure that she wouldn't have a boyfriend yet.  He felt though he was blocked by a wall that was well built by her.

"How are you?"

"What are you doing, Eric?"

He didn't answer although he knew the question all too well. Just four words enough to shut him up. He was annoyed, angry and the more it grew, the more he wanted to hold her in his arms.

"You answer me," He said tightening his grip on the wheel.

"Okay," She said.


"Where are we going?"

"Not yet,"

"Okay," She said.

She looked out the window, wondering where Tyler was. Because he was capable of helping her right now because she herself felt supressed and frustrated. She felt flabbergasted. She didn't know if he would come back. She didn't know if she would accept him again. She remembered all the times she had suffered all because of him. She was utterly confused.

"Sorry," He said.

"For what?" She dragged.

And then he kissed her.


Too short.


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