\Clatters inside\

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Her head was utterly confused, frustrated and most of it all annoyed. She had no choice but to think of the encounter, her sudden encounter with the boy.

Who was he? Why did it get to her?

Was it because he looked like her sun? She was rather confused.

Fifteen days passed.

Every single day before she goes to her university, she stayed there, hoping the mysterious boy comes back. But he never did. Her thoughts slowly started to wear away in disappointment and haste.

Thirty days passed.

It was still the same. The boy never came around. She had no choice but to give up. She knew solely that her heart was wildly searching for the sun. But very little did she know about the reflection of her sun.

Her home was lonely. According to her, she had no home. Her parents divorced. She lived with her mum. Her mum was barely at home but she would make it sometimes.  Her home was now a lonely apartment that she use to stay with him.

Even the mention of his name gave her heart a clutch. His name was powerful enough to destroy all of her broken pieces.

Third six days passed, she decided to give up, atleast she thought she did.

On her way to the University, she walked in a steady pace, her hands inside her coat. With the breeze blowing her dark brown of a cascade but still strands of her hair, caressing her cheeks, she walked. Concentrating on her uni, she walked forward and suddenly, she was there, at the same old park.

She decided to dogde the bench, afterall, she was sure he wouldn't be there.

Two minutes passed.

She seemed to be walking calmly with no disraction. Her teeth gritting and her hands yet so cold. Her inquisity to look increased along with the steps she took to move away from it. It' felt like a magnet that her eyes were born victims for. She tried her best to look down at the lonely sidewalks, her boots or even the old couple sitting downtown nearby a cafe.

But she couldn't.

And then she looked, with guilt and distress. Her eyes widened with a puzzled look on her face. Her feet stopped in her tracks, the wind blew rather harshly now. She could feel her cold hands more than ever with her heart accelarating the beats like the last time. Her mouth slightly hung open, she made an inaudible gasp. The empty bench was occupied.

By none other than that boy, who questioned her sanity.

She continuously sighed trying to process the information in her head but eyes were too absorbed by her sun or so she thought was the reflection of it. Her heart craved to walk to him but her hands trembled as all the pain, tears and the memories revived in the back of her mind. Millions and trillions of questions strangled her aching mind, it felt as a war of agony and depression. Her concentration lost as she was exhausted, although she moved a step forward.

"Why...... are you here, again?" She asked with her mouth dry.

"Pardon me, what?" The voice sounded too raspy and deep as the darkest of nights replied.

"Answer me."

"My name is Tyler." He said leaning in with a blank expression.

"You..you aren't." Her words flowed in a series of stammerings to which he gave no answer for.

"You aren't Eric?"

"I gotta head to the Uni now."


"Please answer me." She begged again.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know you or Eric or whoever. Please leave."  And then he shoved past her with aggression but rather swiftly, leaving herself to muffled sobs and tears that she couldn't keep it in longer.

The worst of it all, he saw it all. But little did he care.

And then she realised, her sun was completely different. It made her shine like diamonds but this was the complete of what she shone. Infact, she couldn't shine at all. Her life was gone. She had the darkness overwhelm her because her sun was long gone. It would have hurt less if it was the setting of her sun but it placed itself in another galaxy, other than her own.

She breathed, breathed and breathed all over again. Sometimes, that's all she felt. The air slowly grasping her nose and going inside her lungs, how she absorbed it. Because with air came all other pain that she could have never thought of. A single tear fell on her cold hands, she wiped them away and kept walking to her Uni. Atleast  that's what she had pretended to have being doing all this while.

She was used to it. Her own pain exercised her broken soul.

"Dear." She felt a tap on the shoulder.  She turned around to look at the person who's old, weak voice belonged to.

"Hello." She said politely. It was an old lady with a battered skirt and a pink, long sleeved knitted blouse. Her face was yet so bright with wrinkles and her everlasting smile. She looked welcoming.

"Would you like to have tea with us?" The old lady went on.

And then she recognised the old lady. Her husband and her were the people sitting in a nearby cafe. They noticed her. She felt special and absolutely loved for such a reason.

"Sure." She said with a small smile.

They walked in silence until the cafe. The lady perfectly knew what had happened to her and giving her some air to breathe and she, driving her pain away. As usual. The cafe seemed to be old and made of pure wood. There was no one in it. Just the old couple and her. She was however, glad. She sat across the lady and her husband who looked as old as her with a blank expression on his face. Perhaps he  wasn't as welcoming as the lady had been.

"Excuse his behaviour dear, what is your name?" The lady proceeded as she put a cube of sugar in her tea making a loud clatter inside the tea. She watched it all.

"Isabella."  She barely managed.

"Lovely. Isabella, don't search for something. It will come to you, sweetie." The lady tightened her grip on her hands as she laid her hands on top. Her eyes showing a sign of hope, Herself proving to Isabella that there was still hope.

But she understood more than she ever could.

And maybe, she could smile again.

One day.


And suddenly I feel great after writing this.

-Reemah xx

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