/ when he left /

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This was the end.

Why? Her mind wandered. It went past her dreams, the galaxies, the stars and everything beyond the infinities that were held together. Why, again she thought. She started to accuse herself with no present evidence, she was depressed but she was more into the confused phase of the world.

She didn't understand.

Simply, she took another deep breath as she walked past the old parks, monuments and roads. The atmosphere was cold enough but her heart felt heavier and colder. The weight of every feeling, every memory, every dream that heart of hers contained. Maybe it would sift through time, but five years passed but there was no change. her heart felt the coldest.

The cold wind brushed past her warm cheeks as she sat in a bench, all alone. Her house was a mess. She couldn't figure out who she was. She wouldn't figure what was going on. It was all like a movie that was on pause. A movie that ended while it was paused. She took a small sip of her coffee in her hand as she stared at something but lost inside her own mind.

She tried to recollect her memories. She despised it. The thought of herself being blinded by strong built walls. She remembered all of what had happened. It seemed yet afresh in her silly mind. The only thing she lost the most and loved dearly.


He faded away like everyone did. He faded away although he promised. He faded away like the sun that never rose back again. He was her sun. The light of her life and now, she seemed to be lost in the darkness with nothing but the rays of the sun reminiscing  in a blink of an eye. He didn't die because then it would have been far more easier for her to breathe. But he was there, somewhere in the world. Anywhere but with her.

"Are you okay?" A voice interrupted the train of her lost thoughts and wishes.

As she slowly looked up from her remaining coffee, she saw a boy, probably around her age. But she had her eyes on him for a long time. Her eyes trailing him from head to toe. She stood up unstable. the one who was in front of her, baffled her. She held her mouth wide open, in shock. Her eyes rapidly blinked at the person infront. But he never said a word to her, rather he never cared.

"Yes." She finally managed as she turned to look away.

She couldn't see his face, his eyes, his eyebrows, his lips. Everything turned out to be perpetual. Finally, she managed to calm herself down. But he was still there, with a completely blank impression on his face. His face seemed emotionless. She couldn't help but stare at him.

"Could you please move?" His voice ringed in her ears again.

As confused as she was, she still stepped aside from the bench. He moved towards the bench and took a small black bagpack beside it, she watched his every move carefully. He hung the bagpack over his shoulders and didn't offer another glance at her but left the park without any word.

Her legs implanted on the ground she stood and her mouth zipped in shock, she couldn't follow him or call him. She didn't know who he was. But there was only one thing she knew.

She shuffled at her feet and tugged her coat tighter, throwing away her coffee, she walked through the opposite way of where he had walked. Because she didn't want to see any other person. She didn't want another war in her mind. She walked unknowing where she was headed for, her heart clenched in pain with the pain directly coming off her weak chest. Her tears caught in the middle of a swallowing throat. Many questions and assumptions ran through her head. Her heart cried enough. Her breaths hitched as she started to run.

People stared at her, confused. She never felt exhausted. She never felt this hurt. Her heart still had the pain she wanted to get rid of. Her heart was her own nightmare, that would never let go of something that was buried deep inside her past.

No tears. Wild running, that's how she lost her mind. Her sanity. Her peace.

Because he was almost the picture perfect copy of her sun.


Out of my comfort zone. -R

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