/unresolved, feelings, or not?\

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The darkness in the sky overwhelmed her as it slowly turned to look like the darkest of it all. But only because of losing the finery of her favourite coat not to mention, an expensive one. And so she silently prayed to God for some kind of a delay in the upcoming storm. She then heard it.

The fifth ring from Tyler.

She hesistantly picked it up because she was sure to earn a impolite remark from the cold guy he was but she frowned, she didn't certainly like that. It was possibly reasonable in her point of view but little of that did he know at all.

She scoffed in dismay. As if her ex-lover leaving her in a lonely highway in the spur of the moment can be called rather foolish and idiotic of both of them.

"Wait near the road so I can see you." Tyler said calmly.

"Okay. Coming." She said as she walked faster towards the road from the grassy area she sat on.

Except she had one problem.

The metal fence at the side of the highway that she had jumped over before to get to the glistening lush greenery seemed overwhelming and impossible to get across right then. She silently cursed herself regretting what she had done.

She had a stupid fall to an area where she didn't even know how to come back on the road. She dialed Tyler's number feeling a tug at her heart, sometimes spurs in the moments get people no where. Her hands trembled dwelling in the stupidity and the forthcoming grunt from Tyler because he was grunt as ever.  Or so she thought.

How much of a disaster it appeared to be. But she did wonder, could this metaphorically be her life?

And that, all she needed was a lift, a slight boost up. A compelling thought yet tarnished into the colourless air of the cold. She sighed as her mind wandered into different aspects as if it was some kind of race. But somehow it felt empty.

"Tyler, I can't get across the-"

"Saw you. Stay put."


"What now?!"

"You can't park your damn car midway, dude."

"I am aware. I'll park it on the side?"

"But on the highway-"

The line died again. For the sixth time.

She stomped her feet in anger and frustration. That nerve of him. She recognized his car only two feet away from her. She stayed there unknown to the fact that she was pouting with her elbows folded.  But then she realised that she cannot be angry at him because he was actually saving her from the rain. Or a fall for that matter.

"I'm going to lift you up." He said suddenly appearing right infront of her whilst she daydreamed about her possible chances.

"But-" And then he swiftly lifted her up as he placed his hands on her waist until it was enough for her to move across the metal fence. She gasped inaudibly because she never saw it coming. She never saw Tyler come afterall.

And then she felt it. A small tingling. She used to feel like that. She knew. She cannot neither deny nor understand whatever it was. She felt curious. She wanted to know what it was. Whatsoever, she easily brushed it off blaming it on the gender difference. Perhaps any girl would feel like that. That's what she thought.

But for him. He was calm and took it rather easily. Despite his cold treatment, he was never petulant. For he wouldn't have bothered to come all the way if he was. He realised somehow that he started to care. Because he carried her all the way to the car. But he blamed it on the fact that she would say pointless trash and start a useless banter and fortunate for him, it perfectly worked.

She was more than speechless. She was shut.

After slowly placing her on the passenger seat, he casually started the engine without a word. And that probably scared her more because the questions will pop up sooner or later.

"I was stranded," She started.

"Yeah, chilling in the grass in the middle of highway." He scoffed.

"Uhm, no. Listen to me." She was being stern.

"Do I have a choice?" He raised his eyebrows in annoyance.

"Yeah, you do." She smirked.

"Go ahead."

"I saw him." He froze.

"He wanted me back. He wanted to take me somewhere. So we were in his car."

"And then he just left you like that?" He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you care. Don't you?"

"So what happened?" He said ignoring her comment.

"Well, I said that I don't want him. I was just his past. And that's where I would rather be. And that's totally okay with me because I've learned better. I hope." She said drowned in her feelings, shutting down her sad sobs whilst the regret was slowly getting to her.

She regretted everything.

He said nothing about it. And there it prevailed again, the silence. It wasn't a moment of silence but a long period of time. Because both of them were thinking. Her problems. His problems. Life. So many obstacles that everyone had. Everyone needed time and maybe time heals past wounds but are we all able to forget everything that we felt while we were there? It's impossible. We wouldn't forget. But we can accept it.

"How did you have my number?" She suddenly asked.

"I have my ways." He said.

"Oh, mysterious much?"

"Not really. It was easy?"

"Then tell me."

"I choose not to."

"And why did you exactly call me for?"

And  then she realised that they were going to a familiar route. Her town. Her home. She felt a flash of relief. Surprisingly, there was no rain although the sky looked glum. But that's how it always looked sometimes. Rather glum. A small smile crept up as she realised that it wouldn't have rained anyway and her coat would be safe. Sometimes she had the most idiotic thoughts but then again that was her. She shook her head. Overthinking kills.

"We are going to see my girlfriend." He said.

And then she silently gulped.


Cliffhanger! I love them.

3 more chapters.


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