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Seven of the eight children from the Umbrella Academy were standing outside of the bank. It was being robbed, with several people kept hostage inside. It was their job to stop it. The first one to go in was Number Three. She stepped in, and when the guard told her to get behind with the others, she stepped forward, whispering in his ear. "I heard a rumour."
"You what? What did you say?"
"I heard a rumour that you shot your friend in the foot!" She giggled, and the guard's eyes went hazy. He cocked his gun, and shot his partner's foot. Number Four turned around and skipped away.
Then, Number One jumped in through the ceiling, and threw the next guard out of the window.
After that, Number Two stepped forward, and after yelling "Guns are for sissies, real men throw knives!", he accurately threw two knives that hit another guard directly in the chest.
As soon as the knives hit the guard, Number Nine stepped forward and rolled up her sleeves. She smiled at the guard in front of her, then winked and stepped forward. When he lunged and through a hit at her, she so much as blinked and a hazy silver dome appeared around her, causing his fist to bounce right off. He seemed astonished, and pull his gun out, firing a couple shots, hitting her right in the chest. Number Six gasped, and Number Five cried "Nine!", but a duplicate of her appeared behind him, grabbing his wrists and twisting them together. Once she had gripped his arms, she reached out with her hand and tapped his temple with her index finger. His eyes turned black, and what looked like black ink started pooling out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Then, she let him go, making him topple into the ground.
After that fiasco, the last guard left in the room jumped onto the counter screaming "get away you freaks!" and several of the children yelled "be careful up there buddy!"
"Wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourself!"
Then, Five appeared behind him on the counter and looked at him. "Or what?" He jumped around and shot at him, but before the bullets reached him, he space-jumped behind him, switching out his gun for a stapler. The man angrily tried to staple him, he Five went "wow that's a badass stapler you got there!" And rammed it into his skull.
The only guards left were those inside the vault. Everyone crowded around Number Six, who was standing in front of the entrance to the vault. "Do I have to?" He sighed.
Number Nine looked at him pitifully, "I'm afraid so, the only ones left are in the vault. She smiled at him and he walked inside the vault. As soon as he had shut the door behind him, screams started and blood was spattered on the walls inside. 30 seconds later, Number 6 came out, completely drenched in blood.
The group of 7 schoolchildren walked confidently out of the front doors of the bank, where the crowd naked came down from his lookout place with Number 7, and started to show off these toys. And to the current day, that was what Number 9 had always thought. She was just a toy to him.

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