Ruined - Part 15

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**Trigger Warning** Abduction with implied abuse. No sexual descriptions.

Yoongi woke suddenly, his eyes trying to adjust to the dim light of the dingy room.  He raised his hand to rub his eyes, but as soon as he did, he registered that there was something terribly wrong.  The clinking of the chain against the bedpost startled him and the sudden realization that he was handcuffed to the bed terrified him.  Fear rose in his throat and with a shiver, he realized the covers had come off him at some point and he was totally naked.  He wanted to scream but stopped himself afraid that his captors would know he was awake and come for him.  He reached as far as he could trying to find the edge of the blanket to cover himself.  With his foot, he pulled it closer till his hand could almost reach it.  He raised his head off the bed to get closer making the room spin from the sleeping drugs he had been given. 

He knew his captor well and by what he could see, he would take better care to not let him escape this time.  He had rarely been chained to the bed.  It was hard to accept that things would be worse this time.  He wasn't even allowed the freedom of the room.  He tried hard not to panic but a shaky sob escaped his lips feeling the dull pain he knew too well that he had already been taken advantage of.

The shadows shift in the dim light making him aware that someone is there.  Suddenly a voice filled his head as he groggily tried to focus his eyes his heart thundering in his chest. Rubbing his wrist he noticed he had been uncuffed.  Clothes were thrown in his face.  "Get yourself cleaned up.  You have a customer."

"Where is the bathroom?" He asks.  

With sudden brightness in the room, he still hasn't seen his captor.  "It's in the room. I'll be back for you in fifteen minutes."  The man walks away closing the door behind him.

Yoongi gets up and goes to the bathroom to relieve himself.  He turns on the shower.  He looks around for anything he can use to defend himself but finds nothing.  In the shower, the water soothes his tired body but he can't help crying.  He can't believe they have found him.  How stupid of him to go see his mother on her birthday.  

He doesn't understand why they wanted him back.  He did not go to the police.  They would not believe him anyway.  They are clients too sometimes.  There are dirty people passing off as decent law-abiding citizens.  He dressed and combed his hair seeing the scratches and bruises on his face.  He knew the drill.  They would take him to a hotel room where the customer would be waiting for him.  The bored rich had all kinds of weird fetishes.  

He had to take the chance if the opportunity presented itself. He would overpower the customer and make his escape.  He had to be brave.  He had to believe it was possible.  He would rather die than let them make him a slave again.

Just as the man said he was back by the time Yoongi had finished.  He looks at Yoongi up and down and nods his head approvingly.  Yoongi follows him out the corridor through a back door.  The floor is littered with cigarette buts where it seems someone has been guarding the exit.  The burly man shoves him into the back seat of a car and sits next to him.  He tries to pay attention to where he is but nothing seems familiar.  All he knows is that it is a seedy part of town.  They arrive in front of the motel with the blinking no vacancy sign. The place doesn't even have a name.

 The place doesn't even have a name

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Yoongi is taken to the room. He wonders if this is a nightmare but the smells are all too real. They open the door and he is shoved inside. There is a young woman sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes. She is definitely not the customer but a pretty flower waiting to be ruined.

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