Captive - Part 16

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The air in the room was icy and stale, and all Yoongi could hear was the base of the music they were playing in the bar downstairs, adding to his pounding headache.  Yoongi's head hung low, not just out of depression and resignation, but by necessity, it is the only way he could relax tied to a chair.  Yoongi had refused a request by a customer, and he was punished yet again.  He wasn't just restrained, he was beaten, and there would be no food or comfort tonight.  Yoongi closed his eyes again, escaping in his mind to the loving arms of the girl he loves.  "She's thinking of me. I know this," he whispered to no one but himself.  

The tranquility he was able to conjure in his mind was shattered with a cry and the loud bang of the door being closed.   He looked up to see a thin girl pushed into his room her face hidden by messy hair.  She gets up off the floor where she had been thrown like yesterday's garbage and staggers over to him.  She kneels and clings to him wrapping her arms around his neck as if they weren't total strangers who were forced to be here both of them slaves to their captor.  

In him, she saw her only chance of staying sane.  He had escaped before and maybe there was a small chance he would do the same and bring her with him.  She clung to him and to that hope looking tenderly up at him as she moved the hair from his face.  And how pretty his face was.  Even with the bruises that were now fading to a light purple, his gentle features were striking.  She loved the curve of his doll lips and his eyes that could look cold but were so sweet when he gazed at her.  

"Yoongi," she said in a low voice. 

"Yes, it's me. It's going to be alright."

She struggled to untie him with shaky fingers finally freeing him.  They walked to the bed and laid down.

She laid her head on his chest finding comfort in the beat of his heart

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She laid her head on his chest finding comfort in the beat of his heart. Yoongi held her as she softly cried wanting to punish those that hurt her.

"I'm here for you," he said in an alarmingly light voice that just made her hug him tighter.  It served to make her love him even more.  In the midst of their ordeal, he still managed to be kind and giving to a girl he hardly knew. "I wonder why they let you in here?" He asked.

He stared in her eyes that were still beautiful even with the smudged mascara. "He probably didn't notice you were in here," she replied.

"I'm being punished ... again."

She nodded in understanding explaining why she was there. "I had been dancing for hours in the bar but I couldn't anymore. I fell off the ridiculously high heels but he got angry and said I was faking." 

"What an asshole!"

"He started kicking me while I was trying to get up."

Yoongi caressed her hair softly. "I'm so sorry."

He held her his face showing the anguish that he felt.  "When we are young our parents don't want to mar our innocence by telling us about the real monsters of the world, but you and I had to learn about it in the worst possible way."

She nodded finding comfort in his caress. 

"You know what's even worse? When I escaped nobody believed me. They said I just wanted attention. They wanted to put me in a mental hospital! Can you believe it ?... so I ran away.  I don't know how long I lived in the streets but I actually felt safer out in the open.  These dark rooms hold in all the evil."

Yoongi felt he needed to save this girl.  This would be his way of redeeming himself for all the awful things he has had to do.  He smiled thru his tears and continued wanting to give her a promise of hope. 

"I met a girl. She gave me hope.  I fell for her bad.  She held me and I forgot my pain.  She helped me find myself again. I'll never love anyone how I love her.  She is all I can see. She is all that I live for." 

He turns his face to look in her eyes, "Don't despair you'll find someone too. Just hold me now. He's out there just for you. I know it."

"I hope you get to see her again, Yoongi."


Hi    (*^წ^*)

I hope you all like this story and don't find it triggering.  Please show your support by voting and commenting on your feelings and any suggestions you might have for me.  I'm learning with every new story I write and I hope to get better little by little.

Thanks for reading!

Sugasluv  ~~(/ ̄3)/ kiss~★

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