Whisper of Hope - 17

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Yoongi pov:

The endless days all merged together so that I had lost count of how long I had been in this nightmare.  It was a depressing thought and at times I felt like I was losing my mind.  Afraid to do anything, I jumped at the slightest of sounds.  At the very least, I wasn't alone but her sadness ripped my heart.  All this time together sharing our misery brought us closer together, but we had to find a way out.  We couldn't give up.

She was listless and withdrawn, so I tried to get her attention as we whiled away the hours. 

"Yuri," I called to her with no response. She stared blankly at me, and for a moment, I could see into her that she had lost all hope.  At that moment, I felt a crushing blow of realization that it was up to me to do something.  She was depending on me and I was useless.

"Yuri!" I tried to make her laugh acting silly.  I started dancing slutty like the girls in the bar. When she finally smiled, a very faint smile, more to humor me than anything else, I put on the charm.

"Stop!" She wined in a soft but clear voice.

"No, I have to teach you to dance good," I said dancing so terribly she had to laugh.

"You'll never get tips if you don't know how to dance sexy like me, " I batted my eyelashes while putting both hands under my chin, wiggling my hips in a comical way.

I pulled her hand making her stand up and started dancing with her.  She humored me a little but suddenly stopped.  It was getting dark and the only light in the room glowed blue from the neon sign outside.  Her face was literally blue.  She stared at my neck. The scarf I wore had fallen revealing the hickeys and bites on my neck.  I quickly put it back on.  We both knew what was coming next.  We had to perform or be beaten. 

"How can you stand it

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"How can you stand it ... this place ... what they do to us?  I need to get away.  I can't survive here."

I wrapped my arms around her.  "We will. Don't lose hope, okay?"

She let herself relax in my arms.  My steady breathing seemed to calm her. 

"Okay," she said reluctantly.  She looked up at my sad eyes staring at her. "Yoongi."


"Only you can make me feel better."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"No, it's me that should thank you...  I think I love you," she said almost in a whisper.

"Yuri ..."

"Don't say anything.  I know you love someone else, but I still have hope....."

A love written in the sand can be washed away by a great wave of emotion," she said more to herself than to me.

A love written in the sand can be washed away by a great wave of emotion," she said more to herself than to me

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