Chapter 19

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"Amber..? Is that you?"

"Yes.." she spoke.

Suddenly a boy popped out of the darkness and jumped on Amber. He was about the same height as her, and almost looked exactly like her, except, you know, he's a guy.

"Hello." I greeted.

The boy jerked back. "Who's that?"

"That's my friend, Kami, don't need to worry."

"Hey..." he sounded nervous. "I'm Ashton."

"Nice to meet you."

"Ash, why did you run away from mom and dad?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He sounded like he was about to get fired up. "They practically ignore me and act like I don't even exist. They spoiled me when you were home, I know that, but I don't know why. But as soon as you leave, before it was for school, and now because you're an adult, they don't even acknowledge me anymore. I don't understand!"

"Ash, listen.. I went through the same thing, except that I was never noticed, I was never treated spoiled or anything, and I'm fine. I've learned to just ignore the problem and be with those who make me happy, and Kami has always usually been the one."

Ash looks towards me, and I smile.

Ash then grasps Amber in a tight hug and I can hear him holding back his tears.

"It's okay, you can stay at my apartment for a while if you like, I won't tell mom."

"Thanks sis." He then got up and looked at both of us.

Amber proceeded to reach in her pocket and hand him a key. "This is my second key, you can have it because I most likely won't always be in there."


"Now go up there and wash up and go to sleep, I'll come by in the morning to check up on you."

He then proceeded to head up the stairs, looking at the key and seemingly trying to memorize the room number engraved on it.

Amber and I headed out of the building and headed back towards my apartment.

We headed in and I went back to my room and fell asleep.

After what felt like several years, I woke up and was greeted by a sticky note on my face.

Wow Amber, thanks for making sure I can see it...

I removed it and began reading it.

"Kami, I headed out early to check up on my brother, breakfast has been made and is in the kitchen. Be back around 12~"

I sighed and got up and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed some bacon and started snacking on it, then went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Maybe I'll play some video games while I wait for her." I said to myself.

I picked up my controller and started playing Resident Evil Revelations 2.

"Shit, that's where I stopped!? Fuck that thing is going to be difficult with this lack of ammo I have!!" I began to realize what I had done to myself. "Whatever, I'll risk not getting S-rank and just die like twenty times."

I headed down the hall and down the stairs only to find that the flashlight had alerted a few of the enemies, causing me to waste ammo on the one that's not the boss.

After a few attempts I finally beat it, with literally no ammo left. I let the cutscene play and realize it was the end of that chapter...

"Oh, well I forgot about that.... of to play Barry in this chapter now!" I began and realized this one has more ammo saved than Claire's story. "Welp, that's unfortunate for that.."

I continued playing until I realized it was almost three and Amber wasn't back yet.

I picked up my phone and called her.


"Hey, um, I'm a bit caught up in something right now.."

"Which is..?"

"My parents are here... I had to hide in the bathroom to answer the call."

"Wait, why?"

"They're very pissed that Ash ran off, and I never contacted them."

"It was three in the morning!"

"Exactly, I'm trying to explain that, but my mom knew I was awake because I had answered her call, so she's trying to punish me and Ash..."

"What." I was so dumbfounded. "You're an adult. I mean they're still your parents but still.."

"Could you come over, and fast?"

"Yeah, be there in about a minute." I quickly hung up and teleported outside the apartment building, then ran up the stairs.

I knocked on the door and I heard silence, then more yelling.

"Mom, it's my apartment, and my friend, I'm not going to ignore her because you're insane!"

The door opened and Amber lipped 'thank you' to me.

I subtly nodded and walked inside.

"So who's this?"

"Kami." I stated.

Her eyes went wide, then turned to Amber. "You're friends with that?"

"Excuse you, but I am a human being just like all of you."

"Mom, would you shut up for once."

Her mom just stared at her.

"Look, you aren't that great of a parent, you literally ignore your children, then the second they do something that could get you in trouble, you freak the fuck out."

"Look, I just need to make sure he does better than you-." Her mom got interrupted.

"Excuse me, but better than me? When have I been a horrible child? Because, I don't recall ever being around you. You never said a word to me once I started school, never called, never texted. All you did then was attempt to taunt me by spoiling Ash, and the second I left, you began treating him how you treat me, which I believe to be bullshit. We were lucky to even be in that thing you call home, and get fed. All I honestly seen it was we were just your slaves, and I hated that. Then you obviously started getting mad the second I kept leaving the house to hang out with my friends, but I didn't care because you never treated me right, so felt I had to leave."

Her mom stood there. "I'm not taking this shit from my own daughter." She turned towards the door and began to leave, until I activated my ability made a barrier blocking the door. She, of course, made contact with the barrier and got injured.

"Not on my watch." I growled. "Walking away from your problems wont solve them, your only delaying the inevitable."

She just stood there. "Deactivate your ability, brat, or else."

"Or what? I've been through some shit here lately and what you may think would affect me, won't."

She turned around and her ability activated. "Don't make me hurt you child, you are not a part of this family, you have no business meddling in it."

"Mom, listen to her, you don't wanna piss her off."

"Or what? How strong could she actually be?"

"Your ability levels are significantly different."

"Listen to your daughter, Mrs. Llite." I glared at her.

Amber stood there, anger in her eyes. I could tell she didn't want her mom getting hurt, but also wanted her to get what she deserves.

"Amber, you wouldn't let your poor mother get attacked by this demon, would you?"

That's when Amber gave me the look.

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