Chapter 4

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Isabella's POV
Christopher climbs behind me on the couch to reaches his arms around me before opening his mouth the speak.

"Hola, Preciosa!" (Hey, Precious!) <it sounds cuter in Spanish..> That's when I see the phone sitting in front of me, leaning on the flowers that mamá loves to put on empty tables, 'Another live?' I think to myself before responding to Christopher.

"¿Si, Chris? Te puedo ayudar con algo?" (Yes Chris? Can I help you with something?) I ask him turning my head to look at him.

"Me puedes ayudar con muchas cosas princesa..." (You Can help me with a lot of things Princess...) he says winking at me while hugging me closer making me lean back into him before Richard manages to get Christopher off of me.

"Okay, Okay, ya Chris, dejé la o vas a ver que El cubano se te va tirar encima," (leave her or you're gonna see the Cuban is gonna tackle you,) Richard brings me in between him and Erick while Erick just stares at Chris clearly not impressed with the way he's acting.

"Solo estoy bromeando," (Im only joking,) Christopher says to Erick while raising his arms up in surrender. "Sorry Isa! Espero que no te asuste mucho," (I hope I didn't scare you too much,) He quickly adds making sure I'm okay. I laugh at Chris and Erick and accept Chris's apology making it a big deal to assure him that it was alright, for his sake, so Erick doesn't kill him.

Looking back at the phone on the table I notice just how many people are watching, '17.3k' I say to myself. 'That's a lot of people to hate me,' I quickly take the thought out of my head as I turn to my right and see Joel laughing at Erick still giving Christopher the evil eye. I assume he felt me look at him because he turns his head to me and smiles wider before nodding at the two boys and mouthing to me, 'you caused that.' I covered my mouth to stop from laughing responding a mouthed 'oops' and shook my head while looking away from him and back to the screen where I start to read the comments.
'Ugh she's still here?🙄😒'

'Por el amor de Dios! Aléjate de los chicos!😡👊🏼' (For the love of God! Stay away from the boys!)

'Wtf did Joel just mouth to her?! He just smiled at her and I swear he said "you're hot"! Ultimate ship! #Joella'

'Ew, ella ni está vestida bonito!🤢' (she's not even dressed nice!)

'Wow Primero Joel, después Zabdi, y Chris. Y ahora Chris y Joel otra ves?🤔 Que zorra🤮' (Wow first Joel, then Zabdi, and Chris. And now Chris and Joel again? What a slut)

'awww no se si ship a ella con Chris o con Joel!😭😍' (I don't know whether to ship her with Chris or Joel!)

'Zabdi no le a quitado los ojos de encima y ella no se a notado! 😭 que bello! ship! #Zabdella or #Zabdiella 🥺💕' (Zabdi HASNT taken his eyes off her and she hasn't even noticed! So beautiful!) that comment got my attention because I haven't even talked to Zabdiel since I got down here, even though he was the first one to say something to me.

At this point the Boys are all back to joking around and are making beats while Erick and Richard try free styling. I look over to Zabdiel to see what the comment was talking about but he's joking around with the guys and doesn't look at me at all. 'People are all funny when they exaggerate,' I laugh to myself thinking Zabdiel probably just looked at me for a minute and in the fans eyes it was a long time.

I smile at the boys and their endless amount of energy until Erick looks at his phone and sees the time causing him to gasp and gain all of our attention while we look at him questioningly.

"Ya van hacer las Siete, y yo tengo hambre! entonces... deberíamos terminar el Live y salir!" (It's about to be seven and I'm hungry! So... we should end this live and go out!) Erick le cuenta a los chiquillos esperando una respuesta.

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