012 | Viktor

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Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Description: After deciding you're suited to take care of your sister's new baby for four days, you meet your new neighbor for the first time. "New" as in, you just moved in a week or two prior and only really ever met the cat person whose name you were afraid you may have to learn way too quickly for reasons you would not entirely enjoy.

The first day you took on the eight-month-old went by surprisingly well. While she napped, you unpacked boxes. When she was hungry, you had a bottle ready in no time. If she was bored, you had plenty of things to entertain her with that even put a small smile on your face. It was during the nighttime that things went downhill.

And fast.

Of course, you've always seen shows or movies where there's a baby who always keeps its parents up at all times of the night or wakes up at odd hours screaming, but little Abby seemed liked such a timid child that you didn't think she would do any of it. To be perfectly honest, she was almost a year old.

At 2 in the morning, the baby was finally fast asleep on your chest, humming soundly as you caught up on a new show on Netflix. You got up, and gently laid her in the cradle that your sister had provided you with.

You made your way back to the living area, turning off the television and heating up some tea in the microwave. A few minutes of silence when you heard a high-pitched wailing from the other room.

You closed your eyes and leant against the counter, rubbing your temples. You left the microwave beeping as you went and retrieved the child who, now that she had the attention, used her energy to wrap her fingers in your hair, tugging your head oddly hard for the size and weight of an overpriced deli ham.

You resisted the urge to leave her crying (even though she didn't actually need anything).

You grabbed your tea, slammed the microwave, placed the child on the floor mat and turned the TV back on. Maybe it was time for a movie marathon.

After watching all the Men in Black movies, the baby was still awake. It was roughly 7:30 and you pulled your first all-nighter since college.

Then a lovely violin wafted up from the air vents from below and the child was snoring in no time at all. You happily laid her in her crib and went to bed, not setting your alarm because you knew Abby would let you know herself.


By the second night, you thought that surely she would sleep through the whole eight hours you needed to function. You took a leave off of work for this, and you thought it would be easy. Apparently, there was a reason your sister and her husband needed a break from parenting.

You turned off every light in the house, checked her diaper twice, fed her, and even installed a mobile on the ceiling. There was no way this kid was waking up again.

She only had one nap during the day. It seemed reasonable that she would be exhausted, right?

This time, at the same time--roughly 2:33--the crying started.

And she wailed. You turned your back to her and put a pillow over your head, wanting to scream back at her but decide not to because you're not going to get in an actual screaming match with a baby.

You eventually gave in and carried her to the living room, turning on the TV and rubbing her back.

She didn't fall asleep until around seven when the violin started up again.


The third night, you were already done.

You think you love children until you have to watch them overnight.

You give in, and carrying the baby downstairs, knocking loudly on the door you knew played the music.

You felt bad but desperate when the disheveled-looking man opened the door. He looked kind but very sleepy. He was wearing a black sweater with an oversized grey one layered on top. "I'm so sorry to wake you up but if you don't mind, can I ask you a favor?"

The man opened the door a little wider, wearing a smile on the corner of his lips when seeing Abby. "How can I help you?" He asks, timidly.

"Could you play the violin? That was you, wasn't it?"

He steps away from the door, tucking a loose strand behind his ear. "Oh, uh. Yeah. Yeah, sure." He motions you to walk into his living room and clears some objects off of the couch.

"You can sit, if you'd like," he offers.

"Thank you so much, you're really a life-saver." You plop on the couch. "It's just that she won't sleep until she hears your violin and I couldn't think of any other solutions."

He laughs quietly. Abby curiously looks to the woman. "I'm y/n, by the way," you introduce yourself. You gently rest the baby bag on the floor next to the sofa.

"Viktor," he replies as she grabs his violin case. He stands in front of you and the baby as he uncases the instrument. He elegantly rests his chin where it comfortably lays and starts to play. The slow music not only makes Abby fall asleep, but you as well.


You wake with a sharp pain in your neck and the baby nowhere to be seen. "Holy shit!"

Viktor timidly peeks out from the kitchen, Abby cradled in her arms. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up and she was crying..."

You rub your eyes, laughing in an almost crazed manner. "Thank you so much. What time is it?"


"Holy shit."

He smiles as he brings your sister's baby to you. "I'm sorry I couldn't find you somewhere more comfortable, I wasn't expecting anyone to stay over."

"I'm so sorry I woke you up. Your music is magic!"

He turns a slight pink, handing Abby over, who, then reaches to be held by Viktor again.

"That was probably the best I had slept since I got her." With the look of confusion on your savior's face, you further explain: "She's my little sister's and I promised I'd watch her for a few days. Thank you, again, for everything."

"It's no problem, I like children."

You smile at him, bounding the baby on your knee. "I'm so happy I could kiss you."

Viktor turns a deeper shade, at this.


written by grace

a/n : I had this half-baked idea last night and am writing about it with zero planning, no proofreading, and nada editing. I hope you enjoyed and I'm so sorry about not having a Viktor one-shot out sooner, we'll try to do better :)

a/n pt 2: hi this is Grace from 2022 and I don't even remember writing this lmao

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