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"Uh Carly-" Freddy Said before Carly and Tim her apartment that Friday after school.


" I wanted you to know that I really enjoy kissing you. Like a lot." Freddy Said. "Um thanks Freddy... it just felt right." She Replied to his blushing face. "It's real this time right?" Freddy Asked her .
"It was always real."

"Hey Fredward!" Sam Said
"Yeah Sam" He Replied with a very annoyed voice. "I know that you guys kissed." She Replied. Carly and Freddy's hearts sank. They were afraid Sam wouldn't like Carly because she took her ex boyfriend. But what she said next was surprising. "And no I don't care. I'm over him." She continued. "You're not upset-" Carly Said to the shocked pair sitting in the living room. "No. I always seen a spark in you guys anyway." She Replied. The couple was relieved to hear that. But would them being a couple interfere with a long good friendship?
"I gotta talk to you privately." Carly Said to Freddy. They walked into the elevator and shut it down with the switch.
                  "It's gotta be good if you shut down the elevator power Carly." He Said to her with a slight giggle and Carly wasn't laughing which embarrassed him deeply. "I don't know if us is a good idea." Carly Said to him with a tear.
Freddy's heart sank to his ankles.
"We've been friends for so long... what if we breakup? Would it make things uncomfortable?" She continued.

His dreamy beautiful eyes matched hers and he gave her his heart at that moment.

"I never want you to worry about us breaking up. Because I love you so much that even if you were to get away it wouldn't be awkward. We're only 16. I've already got plans for adulthood. And
I can't see them without you, Carly."
Carly dashed into his arms crying histarically.
"You're right. We are right ." She Replied.
She pulled him into a hard kiss.

i can save a kiss for you (creddie)Where stories live. Discover now