Chapter 6

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So now it was official me the nerd and Nath were going out and making it as obvious as possible but of course he was Nath the biggest player in the school so people said stuff but i paid no attention to the rumors.

I had a date with Nath and he was taking me to dinner but wouldn't tell me where so i listened to J - Cole cant get enough while getting ready, i loved the song i really did and Nath new that he sung it to me a few times which made me smile and giggle at the same time, god i really was falling for him so i hope he was falling for me to.

Nath knocked on my door and as i answered i looked him up and down and he actually looked really sexy, he had a white Soul Cal tank top on, a pair of black Cross Hatch jeans with white Vans. 

I just had on a nice little summer leopard print jumpsuit with a pair of black sandals, a little make up and my hair all nice a curly thanks to Jaz.

The date flew by really quick and before i knew it Nath had dropped me of at my dorm and we was saying goodbye to each other and sharing a quick kiss before he left.

I went back to my room got changed and decided i need a coffee so i walked out my dorm and to the coffee shop. 

After ordering my usual i noticed a boy all on his own just drinking coffee, he looked really lonley so me being a nice person walked over and sat opposite him.

"Do i know you?"

"No, but i thought you looked a little bit lonely so i thought i would come say hi plus you look friendly ha ha"

We talked for a while and i got to know him but he always looked off like he didn't want to tell me something but i didn't ask about it i know i like my privacy so i didn't want to invade his.

"Im D by the way"

"I'm Lilly-Mae Rose but my friends call me Lilz"

After drinking 2 more coffees and talking i decided to call it a night and walked off to my dorm when i bumped into Nath,

"Hey babe, sorry i really wanted a coffee and got talking to this new kid called D he was really nice actually, anyway enough about me where are you heading?" i asked as calmly as i could after drinking all that coffee.

"No where just going for a walk but i have to run so i guess i will see you later night hun" he kissed me on the cheek and with that he turned around and left.

I didn't know what he was up to and it worried me so i decided to follow him, i knew i shouldn't have but i couldn't keep it in i had to know what he was doing and it defiantly wasn't going for a walk.

As i followed him i saw him meet Chloe and literally eat her face, they started walking off holding hands and i was fuming but decided not to make a scene and just follow them a little more.

They went to Chloe's dorm and before they even reached the door he had his top of and she had her hand down his trousers.

I knew she wouldn't lock the door she didn't have time she just wanted to have sex with him so i went on split second decision and burst through the door to see Nath on top of her and they both had no clothes on.

Nath got up and tried to put his clothes on while saying something.

"Don't even worry Nath, i knew i shouldn't have trusted you its over i never ever want to speak to you again" i said while slamming the door behind me.

In a hurry to get back to my dorm i bumped into D and burst into tears.

What was i doing? i didn't even know him but he seemed nice and he was all i had at the moment in time. He took me back to his dorm where i explained everything and he gave me a cuddle and asked if we could be friends and of course i said yes why wouldn't i he was a lovely young man and defiantly better than Nath.

D walked me back to my dorm and said his goodbyes with a friendly hug and i walked off, once i go through my door i jumped in the shower and went straight to bed i couldn't tell my friends yet but they would hear about it soon enough especially with Chloe's big mouth.

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