Chapter 12

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We arrived at the field a little bit late because Jaz didn’t like her outfit and had to get changed several times.

Me and D walked in hand in and hand when I noticed Nath and instantly let go,

“you know I realise when you do that, and to be honest Lilly I don’t get why you do, your not together anymore your with me now he cant say anything” D said while grabbing my hand and holding it in his once again.

D spoke sense and that was true I wasn’t with Nath I was with D and I shouldn’t be like that when we see Nath but I just couldn’t help it, I still felt something for him and I couldn’t just let that go.

Once we had walked past the crowd of people that already had drinks in there hands we went to get our drinks, Loui got a WKD, lightweight. Jaz got a Bacardi and coke, better than Loui, and Becki got a vodka and coke, now that’s the vibe I wanted to be on so I got the same. 

After about 4 vodka and cokes I felt a little bit tipsy and so decided it was time to start dutty whining. Me, Jaz and Becki all got up and started dancing but Loui and D had there ‘reputation’ to think about they claimed.

What utter bullshit they just didn’t want to get turned on by our dances, 

“I think Loui is gay” Becki blurted out

“You’ve only just realised?” me and Jaz said at the same time and then started laughing. 

After her 5th Bacardi and coke she started catching up with us and was on the same wave we was. (wave is drunk, just in case no one knew :P)

As the night went on we carried on drinking and drinking until Becki and Loui were being sick in the bushes, yes defiantly lightweights.

Pretty ricky - grind on me came on and I knew I had to show D how I danced and I had to grind on him.

D agreed to come up and dance with me and I knew I was going to turn him on but not to the extent I did.

I started grinding on him but very gently and slowly but I soon started to get more into it and before I knew it I could feel him rubbing on my bum as I grinded upon him.

D pulled me back to school so quickly he was practically carrying me, I wasn’t that drunk but I couldn’t walk as fast and he wanted me to, as soon as we got to my room his lips were on mine and they were inseparable.

After D caressing my body he went down on me and I have never felt so good in my life! It was the most pleasure I have had in a long time and I didn’t want it to end but I knew D couldn’t wait any longer so I decided to let him enter me and it went from there.

I woke up led next to D on the floor, how did this happen? I thought to myself but I didn’t care all I cared about was D’s arms around me and to know he loved me and no other women or girl could take my place in his heart for the rest of eternity.

As he breathed slowly through his nose I could hear the little snores escaping. He looked like an angel while asleep, his mouth in a nice upward smile and his eyes gently closed but I could tell he was dreaming about something nice just by the way his face looked.

Just as I was about to wake up and go take a shower D opened his eyes,

“Morning beautiful, god I’ve never seen anyone look so good in the morning, could repeat last night all over again”

“Thanks D, but I really should get up its half 11 and it’s a Sunday so I have to go see my parents, feel free to get up and get ready while I jump in the shower, and no, I know what’s going through your mind about the shower, naughty boy”

I left the room leaving a giggling D behind me.

The boiling hot water coming out of my shower felt so good I didn’t want to get out but when D knocked on the door and told me I had half hour before my parents would be here I decided I had better hurry up, I didn’t want to make my parents wait for me.

Once out D told me he had spoke to my parents and they agreed to meet my new boyfriend, great.

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