Chapter 11

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“Hey mum” I said while sounding a little shocked but very happy indeed.

“Hey sweetheart, was just seeing how you were doing and what you were up to?”

“Nothing mum with D just talking you know ha anyway got to go mum love you bye”

“Bye hunnie”

And with that I put the phone down, yes I loved my mum but she had the tendency of ringing me at silly or important moments.

It started to get late so me and D decided to head back to school or people might start getting worried, we had been gone all day and missed half off our classes but oh well we had some serious things to talk about and it had to be dealt with.

We got in really late and everyone was asleep so I decided to go and have so dinner as I hadn’t eaten all day and head to bed.

I said bye to D and he headed off to his dorm while I headed to mine, I couldn’t be bothered with the girls 100 questions so I crept in and got straight into bed.

As soon as my head hit that pillow I was out like a light and I defiantly needed that after the day I have had, I had so many new things to take it I wasn’t sure if it had all registered but only time would tell.

I woke the next morning to the girls gibbering about getting ready, there was a big party just outside the school in one of the fields that none of the teachers new about and believe me, the whole school was going!

Underage drinking and sexual intercourse? Yeah the 2 main reasons I didn’t want to go, I did drink don’t get me wrong but I just didn’t like getting wrecked, I think I deserved it though after the past few days I have had.

“Yes girls before you start with the 100 questions I will come to the party, you can give me a make over and yes I did spend the day with D yesterday and yes we did most of our classes but he’s a really nice boy and I had to get closer to him to find out more details about him and to be honest I loved every moment of it”.

After the talk with the girls they decided to leave it and let me go get a coffee and some food, I met up with D on the way down there and of course like everyday he brought my coffee, he didn’t have to but he insisted on it.

After my breakfast and coffee with D we went for a nice quite walk around the school grounds.

It was about half 4 so I decided to say bye to D and go and let the girls get me ready for this huge party, I still hoped none of the teachers found out. I needed a good night out with my girls and my new boyfriend to get over the feelings I had for Nath. They couldn’t be real because he broke my heart so I broke his just like playing the game.

I got back to the dorm and Backi and Jaz were already getting ready so I went to get in the shower to wash my hair for my girls to attack me with there make up and hair curlers.

I dreaded getting out of the shower, I didn’t want them to attack me and I know if I refused they would happily pin me down but I guess that’s just what best friends are for.

After about 2 and a half hours of being pampered I was finally ready, I had a little bit of foundation and blusher on, some bright pink lipstick and a little bit of mascara. I was wearing, black skinny jeans, a nice white top and my white Adidas high-tops with pink in them, yes it was a party but it was in a field and I didn’t care if I ruined my trainers I would get a new pair if I wanted them.

D and Loui came to our dorm to see what we looked like but we was also walking with them to the field, he was so sweet I really liked him already, I think I was falling for him.

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