Chapter 15

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2 weeks later….

The news had died down about me and D getting engaged thank god. I guess he really did want to make a go off it with me but we couldn’t have kids so how would that work for my parents? I didn’t know but I did know I was leaving school in 1 month, married in 2 and a vampire in 3, my whole last 3 months as being a human will be utter boring. I wanted to be a vampire now but D said no because I wouldn’t be able to control myself around everyone at school so I guess I got to do as I’m told by my future husband, I couldn’t get over saying it I was so happy.

Mum and dad agreed which was amazing! But then again I guess dad sorta told D to do it and pressured him into it but oh well obviously he wanted to do it otherwise he wouldn’t have!

We had my dress and the venue sorted but nothing else, my dress was white with red diamonds on it, well all over it to be exact but lets not go into how much it cost my mummy but come on her only child’s wedding she doesn’t mind and she earns enough or shall I say my daddy earns enough.

So my colour theme was off course white but I was the only one allowed to wear white and red but not to much red and grey but a metallic grey it all looked so good I didn’t ever want this moment to end when I had this dress on.

Everything was perfect and I couldn’t lie I was the happiest I have ever been. I saw Nath and decided I better go talk to him, ever since that day in the lunch area when D proposed he looked really depressed and upset, of course I was his first love just like he was mine but he messed it up so its his own fault I’m not with him anymore, we could have had it all and yes that would be nice but I just wouldn’t be as happy as I am now with D.

“Nath, I know how you must feel but talk to me please”

“What do you want me to say? Congratulations? No it doesn’t work like that Lilly-Mae Rose now move from me!”

“Fine stuff you then prick”

I walked off overly angry so I decided to ring my mum,

“Mum, I went up to Nath to see if he was okay and to ask him to talk to me and he was really nasty so I called him a prick”

“Well Lilly, to be honest Nath doesn’t need to be a part of your life anymore like come on your getting married so man up but I must go darling love you bye” and she hung up before I could say bye.

While lying in my bed that night I started thinking about everything that I was doing with my life, what if when I was a vampire and me and D adopted a child I couldn’t control myself? What if I fed of my own child? I doubt he would let that happen but that isn’t the point I was just so scared but I’m ready and no matter what happens im marrying D and I am becoming a vampire, saying that word got my so happy, I couldn’t wait to drink peoples blood and to feel the satisfaction that it gives D when he feeds off me.

I’m ready and with that I fell asleep.

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