Chapter 9

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I could feel the water dragging me down and I tried to call for help but I kept swallowing water.

Suddenly I felt someone grab me but I couldn’t make out who it was and everything went black.

As I slowly started coming round I could hear my mums voice, what was she doing here? She never came unless it was serious.

When I started opening my eyes I saw my mum, dad and my new best friend D but no Nath, clearly he didn’t care if his girlfriend died or almost dies, selfish bastard.

“Hey hun, how do you feel? D asked ever so sweetly.

“How do I feel? Are you fricking kidding me? My boyfriend almost killed me and he isn’t even here to say sorry, hes properly sleeping with his stupid ex, I hate him I hope he rots in hell” I said practically screaming.

I was so angry I didn’t even mean to be like that especially not in front of my mum but she doesn’t understand.

By the time I had fully calmed down I hadn’t realised that I was getting ready to go home.

I got home late that night and it felt so weird being back home with my mum and dad but even worse sleeping in my old bedroom.

I couldn’t sleep at all that night, I managed to get about an hour which was defiantly not enough beauty sleep if I do say so myself.

I went to go get some breakfast only to realise my parents had left me. I found a little note telling me someone will come pick me up at 11 on the dot and take me back to school.

It was already 10 now so I really needed to get ready but I just couldn’t find the motivation inside of me.

My mum had left me again but I guess she had to go to work or something, I pulled myself through all those thoughts and went to take a shower and pack my little over night bag.

The clock struck 11 just as I walked down the stairs and I heard a faint tapping on the front door, D was stood there smiling the sweet smile, god he was so sexy but he’s one of my best friends I cant let these sorts of things go through my head.

D helped me into is car even though I really didn’t need help I was perfectly fine now.

As D drove back to the school I couldn’t help but stare at him.

His skin was a little pale but had a hint of brown, his hair was pure black and his eyes, well his eyes were something completely different, they were so beautiful, dark green with a hint of blue and black, I didn’t even think that was possible but of course it was.

We got back to my dorm and just as my friends were about to come and give me a cuddle D stood in the way and told them I just needed to sleep for a bit, of course he could tell I hadn’t slept at all last night.

D cuddles me into his chest and just as I smelt his perfume, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a nice deep sleep that was defiantly well needed after the last couple of days.

When I woke up I felt like I had slept for a couple of weeks, my whole body was stiff and I had the worst dry morning mouth ever.

I could hear Nath shouting at someone but I couldn’t make out who the other person shouting was so I thought it would best if I got up and went to find out what was going on.

As soon as I opened my eyes I could see Nath had D up against the wall by his throat so I launched myself at Nath and ripped him off.

“That’s my best friend how dare you grip him up, and after almost killing me to and not even coming to see me! We are done get out Nath now!”

I said that and Nath instantly left, he dropped D where I caught him and shut the door, god Nath was so selfish waking me up when I am trying to recover especially arguing and gripping up my best friend he’s such a idiot I really do hate him now!

Me and D snuggled together all day while we both recovered, the girls were out with Loui so we had the room to ourselves.

“I’m going to feed off you” D said while stroking my neck.

Before I could respond or even get a breathe out his teeth were on my neck and I could feel him sucking at my blood, after about 20 seconds he let go and led back down next to me.

What just happened? that’s all I could think to myself so I got up, ran to the bathroom, locked the door and left D led on my bed.

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