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ERA: Fake Love Era🖤

                       Chapter One

BTS was finally on vacation, after touring for 3 months straight. All they wanted was to sleep in, eat, and catch up on their shows. Unfortunately, Yoongi's body clock woke him up early. He jumped up, thinking they were all late for dance practice...

"Kook-ah, get up.! We're gonna be late.!",Yoongi screamed.
"Hyung, please be quiet.!",JungKook said sleepily. "We're on vacation remember.. I would like to sleep as much as I can IF YOU DON'T MIND".

"Oh yeah, sorry Kook. Get some sleep.", Yoongi smiled, embarrassed that he woke the baby up.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now.? I guess I'll go eat since it's less crowded." Yoongi waddles to the kitchen, to find Hoseok having the same idea as him, being that the kitchen was empty besides him.

Yoongi always tried to steer clear of him and Hobi being alone, to avoid the embarrassment of the blush that would creep up on his face inevitably.. but now he's stuck. He's in the kitchen with Hobi, who's shirtless with adidas joggers on, sagging slightly so you can see the black Calvin Klein band. Yoongi however, remained emotionless, being that he thought Hobi had feelings for Jimin, so he shrugged his feelings off.

"When did you wake up.? And put a damn shirt on, before Jimin comes in here drooling." Yoongi said as if he was annoyed (cough jealous cough).

Hoseok started blushing. Not at what Yoongi said about Jimin, but at the fact that Yoongi seen him shirtless. Hobi has the BIGGEST crush on Yoongi, but he assumed Yoongi was a top. With Hobi being a top, he ruled out any chance of them being together in any way. So he liked picking with Jimin. He liked seeing Jimin getting all flustered at his dominant side, but it was nothing more than harmless teasing, being that Jimin was with Jungkook."Sorry Hyung. It was too hot last night. You want some coffee.? I made it fresh.!" Hoseok offered.
"Yes PLEASE." Yoongi said feeling instantly better that there was fresh coffee.
Yoongi walked over to the cabinet to get his coffee mug, without realizing that it was too high.

"Hope-ah, can you get my mug.? I know it was Joon's extra tall ass that put it all the way up there.", Yoongi said rolling his eyes.
"Sure Hyung. I got it. Go sit down, and I'll bring it to you.!" Hobi laughed.

As Yoongi sat down, he couldn't help but admire the view. Hoseok's tan skin.. the soft yet prominent definition of his muscles.. his bedhead.. his vline showing.. Yoongi didn't even realize he was staring.

"Hyung, what are you looking at.?" Hoseok chuckled slightly.

"U-Um N-nothing.! Just daydreaming about what to do on this vacation. All I do is work and sleep." Yoongi spurts out, quickly trying to change the subject.

"Don't sorry Hyung. Just try to relax okay.? We have a whole 2 months off.!"
" I'll relax after I get my coffee." Yoongi says while stretching his arm out.
"O-oh yeah sorry Hyung.! Im gonna go back to my room. Text me if you need anything.!" Hobi walks back to his room, leaving Yoongi alone at the table.. alone to think.

He couldn't understand why he was so attracted to Hoseok. He'd try to think of them as just business partners, even though he secretly wanted more than that.. way more than that. He'd always thought Hoseok was out of his league, but that didn't stop Yoongi from thinking about him. Yoongi drank his coffee, trying to occupy his thoughts with something other than Hoseok. He decided to go to his safe haven, Genius Lab, and spend hours there undisturbed. That was, until he heard his doorbell go off...

A/N: Hey Y'all.! This is my first time ever writing anything. I wanted to write because I got tired of seeing other writings not being detailed enough 🙄. So Im sorry if it's too long or boring 😭😂. But I really hope y'all enjoy it.! I will try to update once a day and if y'all like it, I'll write other ships.! ( I love all ships btw and Im a multifan so pls all requests are great.!) Bottom Yoongi is my kink so yeet 🤪😂💜💖

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