Obvious (con't)

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"Really Hyung.?? You can help me?!?.. What's the catch.?", Hobi said, obviously feeling like Jin helping him was too good to be true.
"Let me pick out your outfits for a week.!", Jin stated confidently, as if he knew Hoseok was gonna say yes. Hoseok practically screamed "And what IN THE HELL will make you think I would let you do that?!? You wore a RJ headband, RJ shirt, and a necktie to the airport last week. ON PURPOSE.!"
"Okay, suit yourself. Good luck with Yoongi Hyung.", Jin answered nonchalantly, as he turns back over in his bed. "Okay OKAY, fine.", Hobi pleads pathetically. Yoongi better freaking fall in love with me, for what Im about to put myself through, Hoseok thinks, while Jin has a developed smile on his face...
"Close the door. I don't want anyone easedropping.", Jin says as he goes over to Hobi's bed.

A/N: Hey y'all.! Sorry for the short chapter. I promise the good stuff is coming up 😂.. Do y'all think it's annoying how I go from Hoseok to Hobi.?? What do you think Jin's gonna tell Hoseok about Yoongi.? Anyways BOY WITH LUV TEASER 2 I CRIED FOR 20 MINS

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