Informative Lunch

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"Come in, whoever you are." Yoongi said in a monotonous voice, without even looking up from his computer.

"Hyung, it's me. Have you eaten.? I know you've been in here for a while.", Namjoon says as he sees the bags under his hyung's eyes.. "I've only been in here since 0730.. I couldn't sleep."That was a lie. He just couldn't be in his room with the temptation to jack off to the thoughts of seeing his best friend in the kitchen that morning..

"Well get up. We're on vacation anyways Hyung. Let's go get lunch. Panera bread.? I know you like that place." Namjoon suggests knowing Yoongi hasn't eaten. Yoongi groans as he powers down his computer. He was actually hungry.. "Fine. But you're buying since you disturbed me." "You're ridiculous. Okay Hyung, my treat.", Namjoon laughs as they head to the front door.

*Time Skip to Lunch*

Yoongi and Joon were both eating, enjoying the quiet, making occasional small talk so neither of them felt awkward. Namjoon's phone dings. It's a text from Jin..

              My Pink Princess 😏🌸🎀:
"Babe, I'm here with Hobi. Try to see if Yoongi gets flustered or anything when you talk about him. I know it might not make sense, so I'll explain later okay.? If he gets flustered in anyway, that's more than enough answer.! Love you Joonie. Be safe driving back 💖.

Namjoon took a deep breathe and said..

"So Yoongi Hyung, a little birdie told me you have a crush. You could've told me.!" Namjoon says with a fake sadness. " I wanna know what person actually caught the attention of the "cold hearted rapper." Namjoon laughs. "Well that bird must've been on crack, because I don't know what you're talking about." Yoongi spits out fast than Joon can finish. "Wait.! Is it me?!? Oh Yoongi Hyung I love you, but you're too small for me." Namjoon states before laughing so hard, tears start to form. This makes Yoongi punch him in the arm, hard. "You wish. You better stay off tumblr before you get a black eye." Namjoon finally calms down. "What about Hobi Hyung.??

Yoongi's eyes grow wide unconsciously. He didn't even noticed that he stopped chewing too..
Yoongi looks at Namjoon blankly.. "No. Why would you think that.?" "No reason." Namjoon says just as blankly. "Except you're always trying to sneak and hold his hand. If you don't like him, why is he the only one that can wake you up.? Last time, you almost punch PD-Nim in the eye."

Yoongi didn't realize he was starting to blush.. His whole face looked like a fireball. Namjoon gets serious, because he wants his Hyung to be comfortable, and to trust him. Namjoon places his hands around Yoongi's fists, rubbing the pad of his thumbs against his knuckles.. hoping to calm Yoongi down..

"Yoongi Hyung, do you have a crush on Hoseok.?" Namjoon says as lovingly and calm as possible. Yoongi is a stiff as a statue. He's starting to sweat, which is foreign since Yoongi doesn't move much. Namjoon smiles lightly and pats Yoongis shoulder.

"Hyung, just calm down. You have a crush. It's normal.!" Namjoon says, rubbing Yoongi's knuckles again. Yoongi cut in. "It's not normal.!I've never had feelings for anyone like this. And it just has to be my bandmate." Yoongi puts his head in his hands, feeling defeated and embarrassed. "Well let me help.!" Namjoon says excitedly. "First off, Hobi Hyung likes you. Don't ask me how I know, just know he does. Second, just try to put your feelings into words. You're a rapper for goodness sake it's LITERALLY you job to put your feelings into words.! Just tell him.! That's what I did, and me and Jin have been together almost 3 years." "But Namjoon" Yoongi sighs.. "You don't understand. My personality comes off as cold and dominate, but I think Im actually a sub." Yoongi whispers, almost inaudible. Namjoon is shocked to say the least "Really Hyung?!? I would've never clocked you.! Well it's okay. It's nothing to be ashamed about.!" "Well what if Hoseok expects me to be a Dom when Im not.? It'll ruin any chance of anything." Yoongi says looking down sadly. Namjoon shakes his head and laughs.. "Damn Hyung. All these years around Hoseok and you can't tell he's a Dom.?? Come on, we'll talk more in the car...

A/N: Hey y'all.! Sorry it's so late 🤦🏽‍♀️. But HELLO BOY WITH LUV NAMDADDY IN THAT PINK YOONGI HINTING AT AGUSTD2 EVERYONE LOOKS AMAZING STREAM BOY WITH LUV AND DIONYSUS FOR GOOD HEALTH OMG THE WHOLE MAP OF SOUL ALBUM IS AMAZING.!!!!! Okay Im done now sorry 😅. I don't have any kpop irls so I had to let that out 😂💖💜

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