Simple date...with a friend?

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The next morning, you were feeling much better. You were excited for your date with Kaito. You and Kaito wanted everything to be perfect. You put on a (f/c) shirt, and wore a (2 f/c) pleated skirt. You styled your hair into (Long hair: Back braid Short hair: Simple curls) and put a hair clip in to keep your side bangs out of the way. You put on long white socks and put on a pair of black shoes to compliment the look. Soon, you were ready to go. You walked out of the room, and Kaito was awestruck by your appearance. "So...cute..." Kaito said blushing at you.

You smiled and it made him more happy. "Okay," you say, "what's the plan for today?"

"First, we're gonna go to the mall and do some shopping, then we'll go see a movie and after that, I wanna show you this awesome ice cream place, and we'll go to this restaurant that I'll think you'll like!" He explained.

"You must have planned all that out after I fell back to sleep last night!" You say. "Can you afford this?"

"Of course!" Said Kaito cheerfully, "I've been saving up for a day like this!"

You smile and you both went out the door.

[Time skip]

You and Kaito bought a lot of stuff at the mall, and you might have just been distracted, but you kept seeing a purple blot like in your dream. It was the same at the movies. After the movie finished, you were seeing purple again. Might have just been the 3-D effects from the movie. You and Kaito were at the ice cream shop, and you and Kaito ordered the couple's banana split. It reminded you of an ice cream shop back in America you went to in elementary school. Unfortunately, it closed downed and you never had any of their ice cream since. So this was like reliving a childhood memory, but it was bigger, and was with someone you love. While you were eating, you were thinking of the purple you kept seeing. "Have you been seeing purple blurs lately?" You ask Kaito.

"Purple blurs?" Asked Kaito.

"I saw it while we were at the mall, at the movies, now I'm afraid of seeing it here. I think i'm going crazy." You explained.

You looked around kinda panicked, but Kaito took your hand and said, "(Y/n), you're not going crazy. It might have been your head acting up. You're in a new environment, so it might just be you getting used to this big place."

You looked down and thought, "Maybe Kaito's right. I just arrived not long ago, and purple blurs may just be my mind not used to this environment."

You looked up and said, "You're right. I just need to get used to my surroundings!"

Kaito smiled, and you two finished your ice cream. Then you thought to yourself , "Hey, wouldn't have made sense to go to the restaurant and then here for dessert?"

[Time skip]

You were at the restaurant and it reminded you of home. He found a nice Italian restaurant and it reminded you of the one you went to as a kid. Pizzas, fresh salad, delicious sandwiches, and some elegant desserts. You ordered a salad since you were trying to avoid pizza for a little bit. Kaito got a salad as well. He was disappointed that there wasn't any ice cream. "You want any dessert?" Asked Kaito.

"Sure," you said, "but I think I'll take it home. The salad was kinda filling."

You ordered cannoli with chocolate drizzle. You really liked the crunchy shell, and the sweet cheese on the inside. You felt at home with your meal.

[Time skip]

Kaito decided to take you to the park for a moonlit stroll. You haven't seen anymore purple blurs, so it must have just been your imagination. The park was very quiet, no one was there, and it felt so peaceful just the two of you. After a while of walking, you two sat on a bench to take a break. Kaito wraps his arms around you and you wrap your arms around him. "How's Japan treating you (y/n)?" Asked Kaito.

"I really like it here." You say almost quietly.

You didn't want to disrupt the quiet environment, so you just talked very quietly to him. "I can't wait to see what's next!" You say.

"I'm so glad I finished school and went here." You say remembering your school years. "Now I need a job so I can pay my portion of rent."

"Don't worry about that right now." Said Kaito, "This is a time where you shouldn't worry about stuff like that. We can discuss rent later."

He was right. This was a special moment. The moon shined brightly on the two of you, and it made you feel very calm. You were getting tired, and you were starting to close your eyes. "Is someone getting sleepy?" Kaito whispered in your ear.

"A little." You admit.

"Come on," he said, "Let's go home."

You smiled and you two went home. You opened your eyes and saw it again. A purple blur. You stopped and rubbed your eyes. It was gone. "What is it (y/n)?" Asked Kaito.

You paused and said, "I thought I just saw...I must be seeing things."

"You do seem kinda tired." Said Kaito. "Here, let me help you."

He picked you up and carried you to the car bridal style. You felt relieved at last. The two of you were able to get home, but a purple blur was following.

Love and glass eyes (Yandere Gakupo x Kaito x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now