The Purple Haze

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You woke up and immediately felt a pain in your head. What happened? One minute, you were in a flaming carnival, and next thing you know it, you were chloroformed and passed out. You were in a soft bed. Were you at home? You tried to get up, but your wrists and ankles were shackled to the bed. The walls were peeling, there were leaks, and it looked like it hasn't been touched in forever. You were in an abandoned house. "What's going on?!" you cried out.

You heard footsteps going down the hall coming closer, closer, closer. You were scared at what was coming. The door creaked open. You tried to curl up into a ball, but failed to since you were chained to the bed. The door opened, and it was him. "You?" you gasp, "No, it couldn't be!"

It was Gakupo! "I see my sweet princess is finally awake!" he said cheerfully.

"What's going on?" you said.

"You see," said Gakupo, "I've been keeping an eye on you ever since we met. Everywhere you went, I made sure you were okay. Everywhere you went, I made sure you were safe. Then that fire broke out at the carnival."

"Are you behind the fire?" you say angrily.

"No, not at all!" said Gakupo, "I would never hurt anyone like that! I actually knew the thugs who did it, but they got arrested right away. I took this as the opportunity to rescue you, so that's what I did."

"Where are we?" you ask.

"We're in an old abandoned house in the woods. I needed to find a nice place for us to hide. It's only temporary, but until then, we're staying here. Hidden from all those...people." said Gakupo.

"Please," you beg, "let me go! I'm not the right girl for you!"

"But you're all I can dream of." said Gakupo lustfully, "Your beauty, personality, and your attitude. That's what I love most in a young lady."

"I have to go home," you say starting to cry, "people will start wondering where I am!"

"Oh yes," scoffed Gakupo, "you have a boyfriend, don't you? Well guess what (y/n), I'm your boyfriend now! You must submit to me, and no one else!"

"Never..." you say quietly.

"There was a reason I directly kissed you that night at the theatre," said Gakupo, "not to make the show convincing, but it's because I love you, and that was my opportunity to do it!"

He got onto the bed, and you tried to scoot back, but you couldn't. "Now I can kiss you anytime I want." he whispered to you.

"No," you say quietly, "this is all wrong! I'm not yours!"

"Just keep quiet for a second." he said to you.

He crashed his lips onto yours, and you felt numb at the feeling. His tongue entered your mouth, and you couldn't help but burst into tears as you ran out of air. He was rougher than Kaito, and you didn't like it at all. You pulled away as fast as you could, but Gakupo wrapped his arms around you, holding you very tight, to the point where it felt like he was about to break you in half. Gakupo pulled away and saw you cry. "Don't cry my love," he whispered, "I'll make it all better."

"No!" you screamed.

Irritated by your outburst, Gakupo slapped you! It caused you to cry more. "Your sobbing is really annoying." said Gakupo angrily. 

"Get away!" you scream, "I gotta go!"

You tried to break free from your chains, but you failed. "Look at you trying to run away," Gakupo teased, "trying to go back to your fool of a boyfriend? I can take care of that!"

"What are you gonna do?!" you cried, "Don't bring him into this!"

"I'm gonna have to darling," said Gakupo, "for my sake, as well as yours."

He took out a syringe and injected fluid into you. "I'll fight through it!" You yelled, "I'll stay awake so I can stop you!"

Gakupo then hugged you to ensure that you fell asleep. "" You were out like a light.

"Now," said Gakupo, "Time for the dirty work."

[Time skip]

Kaito's p.o.v:

I had no luck. I couldn't find my beloved (y/n) anywhere. "Please be okay my angel." I cried to myself.

I went back to the apartment, and the lock was broken! Did someone break in?! I entered the apartment, and it was completely trashed! There was garbage all over the floor, Windows broken, ice cream and some of (y/n)'s pudding was smeared on the wall, the furniture was torn to shreds, it was horrible! "(Y/n)?" I called.

No answer. I tried to call the police, but when I picked the phone up, my neck was immediately grabbed by a large hand! My air supply was cutting off, and it was Gakupo from the theatre! "You...!" I said angrily.

"Yes..." Gakupo cooed, "I have come."

"What did you do to my (y/n)?" I hissed.

"Your (y/n)?" Hissed Gakupo, "she's mine now, and I'm not letting you get in the way of our relationship!"

I kicked Gakupo and he managed to release me. "Where did you take her?!" I screamed.

"I'll never tell you!" Screamed Gakupo.

Gakupo pulled out one of the knives in the kitchen, and he tried to fight me with it. I knew how to fight, but this guy was good with a weapon. He is a samurai after all. "Why won't you just die already?!" Shouted Gakupo.

"I'll never die as long as (y/n) is still missing! I will find her and you will fail!" I cried out.

"Die you idiot!" Yelled Gakupo.

I managed to dodge Gakupo's attacks, but in a split second, his knife pierced my stomach! I screamed in pain as the knife entered my body, and he kept stabbing my body until it was cut up. I couldn't move, I was badly wounded. I...

Gakupo's p.o.v:

I finished off that idiot, and he stopped moving. I had to dispose of his body quickly before anyone saw. I took out a large trash bag that was in the kitchen, and stuffed his lifeless body in the bag. I dragged the bag outside and went into an alley and put his body in the dumpster. "Now (y/n) will be mine forever!" I laughed hysterically.

I decided to go back, now that the dirty work was done. And I think I'll take some belongings that were in the apartment too.

Love and glass eyes (Yandere Gakupo x Kaito x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now