Lights, camera, ice cream?

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It's been about a week since you moved in with Kaito, and you were starting to like it there. You were looking for a part time job and there didn't seem to be any that interested you. It was harder finding a job in Japan than America. "Maybe I can get a job at the theatre." You said.

"It's a lot of work, believe me." Said Kaito.

"How much do they pay?" You ask.

"Not much." Said Kaito. "About 20 US dollars a week."

"Not enough." You say.

"It shouldn't be about the money," said Kaito, "it should be something you enjoy!"

You smiled faintly at Kaito and thought he was right. "What show are they doing at the theatre?" You ask.

"It's an original show called, 'The Black Cherry Tree'. It's going to be a premiere soon!" Said Kaito.

"Ooh," you say, "that sounds interesting!"

"Wanna go check out the theatre?" Asked Kaito, "See what you think?"

"Sure!" You say.

With that, you two got ready and began to head to the theatre.

[Time skip]

About fifteen minutes later, you and Kaito arrived at the theatre. It was like the theatre at your old school crossed with an opera house. "This is amazing!" You said stunned.

"It's worth your time when you get to be in a great big place and people there to admire you!" Said Kaito.

The director came in and recognized Kaito. "Kaito! Welcome back!" He bellowed. "Are you here to audition for 'The Black Cherry Blossom'?"

"Oh no." Said Kaito, "My girlfriend here was just checking out the place. She came here from America and she was thinking about auditioning!"

"Oh, I don't know..." You say blushing.

"You definitely should!" Said the director. "Auditions are a week from tomorrow, so if you want to practice, go on ahead!"

"You thought for a second and said, "I think I will!"

"Excellent!" Said the director. "If you need to call, feel free to!"

"Thank you Mr..." You paused.

"Satoshi." He said.

He walked away, and you were thinking about what you just said. "Are you excited?" Asked Kaito.

You gasped and said, "Yeah! I just got lost in my thoughts for a second there!"

"Well if you're going to audition, we need to get serious!" Said Kaito.

"Right!" You said.

"You need to memorize!" Said Kaito.


"You need to polish up your acting skills!"


"Do you wanna get some ice cream?"

"Yeah, wait what?"

You paused at Kaito's not so serious question. "You serious about that part?"

"Always!" Said Kaito cheerfully.

You smiled and said, "Okay!"

You two walked out of the theatre and went to go get your ice cream.

[Time skip]

While you were getting your ice cream, you saw it...again. Purple. It went around the corner and it disappeared. You froze in place, your body getting tense. "(Y/n), are you okay?" Asked Kaito.

You unfroze and you just pushed it off. "Nothing, let's eat!" You said changing the subject.

You went at a quick pace to your table and ate your ice cream almost frantically. "Okay," said Kaito, "what's wrong now?"

You look both directions, and you whisper, "I saw it again!"

"Purple?" He asked.

You nodded nervously. "Oh no (y/n)," said Kaito, "You're freaking out over nothing. It's not like it's going to kill you or anything!"

"I must be getting paranoid again." You say.

"How about we take our ice cream to go?" He suggested.

You nod in reply. With that, you guys took your ice cream to go.

[One week later]

It was time for auditions. You and Kaito were practicing non stop for the past week in a hope you may get a lead role. But you weren't sure if you wanted the lead. Mr. Satoshi tried to convince Kaito to audition, but he kept turning it down. After an hour, it was your turn to audition. Before you went in, you saw it up close. Purple. You got a good look this time, and saw it was Gakupo from the farmers market! He saw you and smiled as he recognized you. One purple you were glad to see. But could it possibly...? No. That would be ridiculous! You then went out on stage. You gave your resume to Mr. Satoshi and you began the monologue you and Kaito practiced:

"How could you have left me that night when I needed you most? You just ran out of that house running for your life like the useless coward you are! I could have been assaulted that night, or worse! You're the one who's supposed to protect me when I'm the so-called damsel in distress. On the day we met, I thought I met a kind, brave person who would always be by my side! Never have I been so wrong..."

You continued your monologue with all your power and smarts, and it left Mr. Satoshi stunned. You finished your monologue and walked off the stage. You walked past the line, and you crashed into Gakupo! "Oh hey again!" You said embarrassed.

"So, you auditioned for the show huh?" Asked Gakupo.

"Yeah, I did!" You said cheerfully.

"You wanna go get something after I audition?" Asked Gakupo.

"Oh sorry," you say apologetically, "My boyfriend and I are going to lunch now. Sorry!"

You walked away, and leaving a rejected Gakupo stunned. "So that's how it is." He scoffed.

Love and glass eyes (Yandere Gakupo x Kaito x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now