Welcome to the Carnival...of Abduction

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You woke up feeling a little tired. Kaito was still sleeping like a baby next to you. "He looks so cute when he's asleep!" You thought, trying to hide your fangirling.

You realized you weren't wearing anything, and then you remembered. You guys did it last night. You slipped out of bed, got dressed, and decided to make breakfast. You made what you would normally have at home, and made Kaito a traditional Japanese breakfast that consisted of Miso soup and rice. You made yourself some waffles with strawberries and blueberries with whipped cream. "Kaito!" You called, "Breakfast is ready!"

He came out of your room with a pair of pants on, but still no shirt. "Good morning, Princess!" Said Kaito cheerfully.

You smiled at his greeting, and served him his breakfast. "How did you like it last night?" He asked.

You blush and said, "It was good! Kinda weird at first, but I'm glad it was with you!"

You went to get the mail that was at your door. Junk mail, letters for Kaito, a package? It was addressed to you, and you recognized the handwriting for your address. You got excited. You went into the kitchen, and Kaito saw you extremely cheerful. "What is it love?" Asked Kaito.

"I got a package from mom!" You said.

"Your mom?" He asked.

"I can't wait to see what she sent me!" You say excitedly.

It was heavy, and kinda hard to unwrap. You opened it, and it was a gigantic can of chocolate pudding! You pulled out a letter that was attached to the can and it read, 'For you and Kaito. Love, mom.'

You remembered getting a giant can of pudding when your mom came home from a long trip. It was reasonable since you and Kaito were able to share it. "How about we give it a try?" You ask Kaito.

"Sure!" Kaito said.

You took out a bowl and served him the pudding. You decided to put a dollop on your waffles. "This is so yummy!" Said Kaito.

You smile at your azure colored partner and you said, "You love anything with sugar!"

You went through the rest of the mail, and saw a flyer. It was for a carnival. "Come to the annual summer carnival in Tokyo. There will be music, games, and lots of food. It's fun!" You read aloud.

"The annual carnival is coming up?" Asked Kaito. "I love the Carnival! It has fun rides, and lots of ice cream!"

"Is it like Dark woods circus?" You asked kind of nervously.

"Dark woods...? Oh!" Kaito realized, "Not at all! There aren't any deformed attractions! It's like that county fair we went to back in America! Besides, that was just a song."

"That's good!" You say smiling. "It opens tonight! Wanna go?"

"Of course!" Kaito answered.

"It's a plan!" You said happily.

[Time skip]

That night, the Carnival opened. There were rides, music and the aroma of greasy foods filled the air. You were wearing a (f/c) shirt with lace lined on the collar and sleeves, and wore a black pleated skirt. You were also wearing a silver bracelet Kaito gave you. You never saw a Japanese carnival before, and there was food you haven't seen in America. You were arm in arm with Kaito and he asked, "So, what do you want to do first?"

You thought for a second and said, "I want to go on the rides first, then get food." If I eat, then go on an extreme ride, I may get sick."

"Good thinking!" Said Kaito. "When I was younger, I got ice cream and got on a roller coaster and I puked on the loop!"

You giggled and imagined a young Kaito puking, but that wasn't a good choice. "Let's go on the Ferris wheel first, see the view of the carnival!" You said.

Kaito took your hand, and you two ran to the Ferris wheel. You were on for about three minutes, then you got to the top. The car you were in stopped suddenly to let more people on, and the sudden stop startled you. You held onto Kaito, and your eyes met with his. His arms wrapped around you, and he planted a kiss on your lips. The Ferris wheel started moving again, and you two removed yourselves as the wheel kept going round and round. The ride stopped, and you two got off. "Let's ride more rides!" You said to your azure colored partner.

For two hours, you and Kaito went on so many rides. You went on the merry go round, the drop tower, the swings, a couple of thrill rides, and so many others. You and Kaito took a break and got something to eat. You two shared an ice cream cone and ate some funnel cake. You were enjoying your funnel cake too much, and you got powdered sugar on your face! "Uh oh (y/n)," said Kaito seductively, "you got powdered sugar on you cheek!"

He licked the powdered sugar off your cheek causing you to blush. "Kaito," you giggled, "not here where people can see!"

He pulled away from you accepting your wish. "You wanna walk around a little more?" asked Kaito.

"Okay," you said, "but it's getting kinda late, so let's make it quick!"

You walked around for a bit, hand in hand, and you two saw the glittering lights of the carnival light up the night. While you were admiring the lights, a shrilling scream filled the air! Not from thrill rides, but it sounded very close, like someone got hurt! A fire started at one of the food stands, and then another, then another! "What's going on?" you gasp.

"Oh no," gasped Kaito, "we gotta get out of here!" 

People were scattered in many directions, screaming and running for their lives. You tried to keep up with Kaito, but he accidently let go of your hand, and you lost him in one direction, and you in the other direction! "Kaito! Where are you?!" you scream.

You couldn't hear him. You were both separated, and you were getting trampled on. There were people lying dead on the ground who were trampled to death, some were passed out, and next thing you knew it, the entire carnival was up in flames. "Kaito!" you screamed, hoping for an answer. 

No one. Maybe he's waiting by the entrance or by the car. You tried to go one way, but someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the wooded area! You were frightened by the sudden action. You turned around hoping it was Kaito, but far from it. A dark figure got a hold of you, and you struggled, screaming for help. "Damn, you're noisy." the figure said.

You recognized the voice, but before you could answer, a rag covered in chloroform covered your mouth. You tried not to breathe, but it was so strong. "Breathe," the figure whispered in your ear seductively, "breathe and relax, go to sleep."

The last thing you saw, a purple haze. It couldn't be!

[Half an hour later]

"(Y/n)!" Kaito called, running through the remains of the carnival  looking for you. "Are you here?"

Some of the fires were out, but there were small flames dying down. He looked around desperately for you but no luck. He looked down, and he saw your silver bracelet. He picked it up and looked at it, "Oh no." he gasped.

He cried into his hands, knowing you either went missing, or worse. "Please (y/n)..." he sobbed, "please be okay."

Love and glass eyes (Yandere Gakupo x Kaito x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now