Worst mistake of your life?

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You were trapped for a month in that house with Gakupo. He had to punish you numerous times in your first couple of weeks. You couldn't take it anymore. You had to go. Gakupo reluctantly let you out of your chains, and you took it as the opportunity. Gakupo already went to bed, so you decided to do it. You quietly went down the halls and slipped out of the house. You were free! You ran out as fast as you can, trying to think what to do now. You couldn't go home, it wasn't safe since Gakupo knew your address, and you just had to go into hiding. You ran into the woods to hide. The sun was going down, and it was getting dark. You heard a faint a sound from far away, and you froze. You heard him. "(Y/n)!"

Gakupo must have woke up! You sprinted through the woods as fast as you can, trying to get as much freedom as possible. "(Y/n)!" Gakupo screamed, "Come back!"

Faster...faster! You ran out of energy right away. You collapsed to the ground to catch your breath, and you looked about a mile away, and there was a black, menacing figure staring at you. Was it a ghost? But it vanished right away. You were too scared to go near the ghost like figure. You hid behind a tree to catch your breath, but a figure approached beside you and whispered, "Peek a boo!"

You screamed, but it covered your mouth. It was Gakupo. You struggled to break free from his grip, but he was too strong. He smashed your head into the tree, and you were knocked out.

[Ten minutes later]

You felt a dull ache in your head, and it hurt so much. You were on an operating table, and you were shackled down very tight. You panicked as you heard footsteps go down the hallway, and slowly approached. Gakupo came into the room, looking seriously mad. "(Y/n) (L/n)!" Said Gakupo angrily. "I can't believe you'd pull a stunt like that! I thought within those weeks of punishing, you'd finally learn something! I guess I was wrong. Now you're gonna learn one way or another!"

He had a large bag, and took out various operating tools, hydrochloric acid, as well as knives and other sharp objects. "What are you gonna do to me?" You ask, terrified.

"I'm gonna make you all mine and get it through your head." He said evilly.

"No! Don't!" You cry, "I promise I'll be good now!"

"You should have thought about it before you tried to run off." Said Gakupo eerily.

He got on top of you, and began to rip portions of your clothes off. On the bare portions of skin that was exposed, he started caressing the bare portions gently. Then you remembered,

"I will caress you from head to toe...

...so You can feel the pain even better."

Something from a Gumi song, but Gakupo did better on. Your skin felt so good, it was a bad thing. He took a knife, and started slicing your caressed portions of skin open! You couldn't help but scream in pain. The pain was even better when your skin was caressed! "Are you in pain?" Gakupo whispered in your ear.

You couldn't help but cry as blood began to gush out of your once silky skin. He cut up your arms, your legs, your neck, stomach, even your sensitive areas! You cried in agony as the piercing pain was all over your body. "Kaito!" You screamed.

There was no point. He was dead. No one could hear your cries, but Gakupo. He scoffed and pried open your right eye. "W-what are you doing?!" You cried.

"You're losing your pretty orbs for mentioning your dead ex!" Shouted Gakupo.

He dug his fingers into your socket, and ripped out your (e/c) eye! You screamed in agony, and your throat was starting to hurt a lot. You were half blind, and you couldn't see very well. You squeezed your other eye shut, but Gakupo pried it open. He was about to gouge out your other eye, when crash! Someone burst into the room! "Let my girlfriend go!" The voice shouted.

You recognized the voice right away. "Kaito!" You shout.

He was standing at the door with a loaded gun, and was aiming at Gakupo. He was covered in gashes that Gakupo sliced onto him, and torn clothes. "You're supposed to be dead!" Shouted Gakupo.

"I survived." Said Kaito, "Now let her go!"

"Put down your gun," said Gakupo, "and I'll spare her."

"He'll gouge out my eye either way!" You shout.

Kaito sighed, and put down his gun quietly. "Now come here." Ordered Gakupo.

Kaito walked steadily to you and Gakupo. "Now rip out her other eye!" Commanded Gakupo.

You and Kaito gasped, and Gakupo went over your head. "Okay..." said Kaito.

You gasp, not believing what he just said. Kaito pried open your other eye and had a serious look on his face. "No! Don't do it! Why are you doing this?!" You cried to him.

Kaito saw tears floated out of one eye, and blood dripped down the other socket. He took a knife and aimed at your eye. "I'm doing this because....

I love you (y/n)." He said softly.

He lunged forward and tackled Gakupo and went into a full blown brawl. Kaito repeatedly punched Gakupo in the face in all his rage on what he did to you. While they were fighting, you tried to break free from your bonds. Yet every inch you moved was excruciating, and you were half blind now. You saw a container of hydrochloric acid and you remembered it was a chemical that burned through metal. You shook the table in a hope the container would fall. It did, and it burned your restraints off. You took a knife that was lying on the table, and broke your other bonds. You were free. Should you run away? Aid Kaito? You were at the door and saw the two fighting, then you looked down and saw the gun Kaito had. You picked it up, and Gakupo was about to lunge his knife into Kaito. You ran up, and shot Gakupo repeatedly. Gakupo collapsed, and in his last moment, he stabbed your thigh and pulled you down with him. "I may disappear..." gasped Gakupo, "but I will always be watching you...until the end..."

Gakupo was dead. You couldn't move anymore. Kaito called an ambulance to take them to the hospital, and after Kaito hung up, he saw you were in tears. "Kaito..." You moan weakly.

He picked you up, and he sat on the table, and you rested your head on his lap when you were lying on the table too. "Don't worry (y/n)," said Kaito, "It's all over now."

You stared up at Kaito, tears flowing down your remaining eye, and blood dripping out the other. He wiped the tears and blood on your face and you said weakly in your teary voice, "I want to go home."

Kaito combed his fingers through your (h/c) hair and whispered, "It's okay."

"No it's not." You moan, "I want to go back to America. Where I can be happy. You want me to be happy...and You want me to live a happy life...I just...wanna go home..."

Kaito was now crying, realizing what he had done. He was the one who convinced you to come to Japan. He was the reason you were in pain. "I'm so sorry (y/n)." Cried Kaito softly.

"Please..." You gasp, "stay with me...always. You're the only one I truly love...and No one else."

"I'll be with you until the end. I promise!" Cried Kaito crying a waterfall.

He now was cradling you in his arms like a baby and you looked at his battered face. He had cuts on his cheek, and He was covered in scratches. You felt like you were about to die, and you said quietly, "Can you sing for me? It's my final request."

Final? "I will," said Kaito softly, "but I assure you, this will not be your final hour. What do you want me to sing?"

You said weakly, "Safe and sound by Taylor Swift."

"Okay." He whispered.

He held you gently and sang,

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down,

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now,

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound."

You took in his lullaby and you feel asleep, hearing the sounds of sirens coming nearer and nearer.

Love and glass eyes (Yandere Gakupo x Kaito x Female Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα