Blood, sweat and tears...Mostly tears

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You woke up again, and you realized what was happening. Gakupo went out to "take care" of Kaito. You freaked out thinking Gakupo would do something terrible to him. You were shaking in terror, and your wrists and ankles were killing you. You say quietly to yourself, "Kaito...please..."

The door opened and a voice said, "Never use that name in this house again!"

It was Gakupo, and he had a small bag with him. "I'm back." He said.

"What did you do?!" You cried out.

"Well," thought Gakupo out loud, "I just had to take out the trash. That blue haired fool won't bother us anymore."

Kaito was dead?! No! You couldn't believe this was happening! The loving goofball you loved with all your heart was dead, and you felt your life was an empty shell without him. You started crying and did not stop. Gakupo walked to you and wiped your eyes. "Don't worry (y/n)," Gakupo purred, "he would have left you in a matter of time. But I will never leave you."

"No!" You screamed. "Get away from me you murderer! I'll never love you! I'll never forgive you for what you have done! I'll die before I love you!"

You softened your voice and said, "What happened to you? You're not the guy I knew at the theatre."

Gakupo backed up at your sudden outburst, and he did not look pleased. "That stupid theatre is in the past." He said angrily. "I did not appreciate that little outburst of yours. I may need to punish you."

You tried to break free, but you were stuck. What was he going to do? He got on top of you and said in an evil voice, "I'll make sure you feel enough pain to make sure you don't have any outbursts."

"No..." You gasp.

He began to unbutton your shirt, and peeled off your clothes.

[Five minutes later...use your imagination]

You were in a load of tears and you couldn't stop crying. He felt you. Gakupo zipped up his pants and said, "I hope you learned your lesson."

He smirked at you, and you tried to look away. He injected your neck with more sleeping solution, and you passed out with him wrapped firmly around you.

[In your dream]

You were running and in pain, and you were looking for Kaito. "Kaito, where are you?!" You tried to cry out.

You saw him. He opened his arms for your embrace and you ran right up to him, into his embrace. "I will never let anything happen to you." He whispered to you.

"I love you." You say happily.

He gave you a soft kiss and it felt like the best thing ever.

[End of dream]

Your p.o.v:

I woke up and it was all a dream. "Kaito..." I whispered.

I looked at the other side of the bed, and Gakupo wasn't there. I had to get out of here. I lost the love of my life, and I feel I couldn't go on. I heard footsteps go down the hallway, coming closer. I looked down at my body, and I wasn't wearing any clothes. Right. He did that to me. I tried to pull the blanket over the rest of my exposed body and I covered myself in time. Gakupo came into the room, and smiled at me. "Good morning (y/n)!" He said cheerfully.

I frowned at him, and looked away. "Aw," said Gakupo, "Don't give me that look!"

"Please..." I said quietly, "Leave me alone."

"Are you still hurt from last night?" He asked.

I refused to answer. He came to my bed and pulled out some clothes. My clothes. He broke into my apartment and that was how he killed Kaito. I tried to hide myself, and Gakupo said, "I'm just gonna dress you."

He put some of my clothes on me and it was so embarrassing! "You look so adorable!" Squeeled Gakupo.

"Please don't do that." I said.

"You just look so cute in those clothes, so I got carried away." He said.

He released me from my chains and there were red marks on my skin. He helped me up, and took me down the decaying halls of the house. "Why this place?" I asked.

"It's only temporary." He said, "we'll be in a new home soon."

Should I take this as the opportunity to escape? Maybe later, no. As soon as possible. I saw rooms of decay and sorrow, it was almost creepy. The walls were peeling, wood was dry rotted, it looked disgusting. Why did he do a place like this? He took me into another room, and set me there. He didn't bother to chain me down, he must have forgot. He just left the room like that. What was going on? It looked like I was in an abandoned living room. The doors were locked and I was alone. Why did he do that?

[Eight hours later]

No food, no water. I was starving. I had to leave right away. Gakupo came back in and smiled, "You've been in there long enough."

"Why did you lock me in here?" I said angrily.

"No reason." He said.

He took me back to my room, and that was that apparently.

Love and glass eyes (Yandere Gakupo x Kaito x Female Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu