± Possessive ±

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"Shit, did you really have to scratch me that hard?" Hoseok complains as he slowly puts on his sweatpants. 

Yoongi smiles in victory as he stares at the numerous scratch marks on Hoseok's back. "Your pain is nothing compared to how my ass feels." says the demon as he crawls over to Hoseok's side of the bed and back hugs him. "But it's so worth it." he gives the human a kiss on his cheek and slides away. 

Hoseok grabs a shirt and carefully places it on, grimacing and whimpering in the process, as he then slides his slippers on and looks over to Yoongi whom was sprawled out on the bed, his body holding numerous scratches, bite marks, and deep purple bruises along his neck and chest.

Hoseok gasps at his marks on Yoongi, but deep down he secretly enjoys it. It was the Incubus's fault for bringing out the sadist in him.

Yoongi gets out of bed, his clothes magically materializing on his body as he reaches into his pocket and takes out his cell phone, his gummy smile going on display when a message appears on the screen. 

"I better get going sunshine. Thanks for the great sex." he winks at Hoseok as he places his phone away. 

"Wait! Why do you have to go? Stay a little longer." pleads the human as he goes over to the demon and holds his cold hands. 

Yoongi chuckles lightly to human's plea but denies his request as he pulls his hands away. "Sorry sunshine, but a friend invited me for lunch." He smiles even wider at the hard look in Hoseok eyes that screams possessive. 

Yoongi knew that look all too well.

It was the look of jealousy.

"Who is this friend?" Hoseok asks, his voice sounding a bit darker than usual.

Yup. Definitely jealousy.

Yoongi cackles lightly and turns to leave but Hoseok grabs him harshly by the shoulder, spinning him around and shoving him against the door. "Who is this friend of yours?" He asks again with such intensity in his eyes that Yoongi nearly cumed out of excitement.

"He's another incubus friend." says Yoongi as he leans in closer to Hoseok, feeding in the dark energy the human is emitting. "Are you jealous sunshine?" He mocks.

Hoseok's grip on Yoongi tightens, he jaw clenching. He was never the type to be jealous of anything so he didn't understand why he was acting in such a way, especially to an incubus. "No." he says and Yoongi snorts out a laugh. 

"You're a terrible liar, Jung Hoseok." the demon grins as he playfully pecks Hoseok on the cheek while hooking his arms around the taller male's neck. "I can smell the jealousy right off you." he presses his body firmly against Hoseok, already feeling Hoseok's bulge poking at him. 

Hoseok loops his fingers around Yoongi's waist, pressing their bodies firmly together as he traps Yoongi between him and the door. "Stay with me." he tells the demon, it comes out like a demand which further excites the demon. 

"And what will you do to me if I don't?" he tests his waters with Hoseok, staring deeply into the humans eyes as a spark of darkness erupts within them. 

Hoseok leans in, hovering his nose under Yoongi's jaw, just below the ear, inhaling the soft cologne that Yoongi always wears. He wonders if demons even use such items, or do they naturally smell this damn good. Either way, the demon's scent was so intoxicating that it practically taints Hoseok's mind with dark, malicious images of how he was going to punish the incubus if he disobeys him. 

"If you leave me, i'll rip off your fucking tail and choke you with it while I fuck you." says Hoseok as he slides his hands in the back of Yoongi's pants, getting a good grip of his small, plumped ass and squeezing it tightly. 

Tainted [Yoonseok ff] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن