± And I-Oop?! ±

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"Jimin, what's wrong?" V casually asks as he watches Jimin pace back and forth while nervously biting his small fingers.

Ever since that night at the hotel, all Jimin could think about was Jungkook. But the younger hasn't touched him since that night and Jimin started to worry. He wondered if perhaps since Jungkook was drunk that night, he took it as a meaningless hookup.

It pained his heart just to think about it, but Jimin pushes aside those negative thoughts and remembers what Hoseok said to him earlier. "I'll talk to him when he comes home." He assures himself and looks to V whom was giving him a blank stare.

"Jimin, you've been acting strange since we got back." He takes Jimin's hand and pulls him onto his lap. "I don't have these big eyes for nothing. I can see you are distressed." He says as he kisses Jimin lightly on the forehead. "What has been troubling you?"

Jimin bites his lower lip, eyes locked onto the floor as that heavy feeling in his chest worsens. He knows he cant hide his feelings from the demon so he might as well lay it out.

"I'm in love with Jungkook." 

V cracks a small smile, his eyes sparkling with adoration. "I know Jimin. I've always known you had feelings for that Jungcock." He teases. 

Jimin feels his face flush and looks back down to the ground. "Its more than just his cock. I've always had feelings for him but I never acted out on them simply because I thought he was straight." He bites his lip again and looks back up to V. "But when you came into our lives, you opened up his sexuality, giving me a chance to be with him...only that..."

"Only that you are scared he will reject you despite sleeping with you." V confirms and Jimin looks down again, his heart aching with that looming fear.

"I-I'm not good with rejection...and I don't want to ruin the friendship I have with him." he says and V tucks his finger under Jimin's chin and lifts his head up, meeting the humans eyes with his warm gesture. 

"I'll help you with Jungkook." he says and Jimin gives him a wide smile, his eyes falling to crescents as he wraps his arms around V, hugging him tightly. 

"Thank you so much Taehyung!" Jimin beams happily and plants a soft kiss on the demons lips. "You don't know how happy this makes me!" he says and the demon chuckles lightly in response. 

"I only want the best for the both of you. And if you so desire Jungkook, i'll help you get him." 

"But how?" Jimin questions and an idea sparks in the demons mind. 

"Tomorrow night, you are going to wait for him on his bed." V trials his long finger up Jimin's thigh, resting it at the hem of his jeans. "Do you own any lingerie?"

A hard blush settles on Jimin's cheeks and he turns away with a shy smile. "N-No...but I do own a pair of lace booty shorts.." he shyly admits and the demon internally growls at the elicit mental image going through his mind. 

"Good. I want you to wear those shorts, and while you're at it, lube your body up. It needs to be nice and slick for that jungcock." V looks around the room with a raised brow. "Do you have any lube?"

"No." Jimin groans. "I think we used it all up the last time we had sex." He says before thinking about it some more. "Ah! I think Jungkook might have some."

"No...he used it all up while masturbating last night. I was watching him." V proudly admits. 

Rolling his eyes, Jimin gets off the demons lap and paces around the room again, thinking of where he can find some lube. He wasn't going anywhere near Hoseok's place in fear of walking in on him and Yoongi fucking each other. But then an idea comes to mind. "Jin hyung might have some! I'll go to his apartment and ask him." he says as he rushes out the room. 

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