± Everything Goes ±

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The tension in the atmosphere was thick with raw animosity as Yoongi and Hoseok both glare intensely at Namjoon.

After Dawon relayed the news of Hanzo and Jimin's kidnapping, she arrived at the park, along with Namjoon. Right away Yoongi wanted to kill him, but Hoseok held him back.

"So you're saying that Lee Taemin was the demon who helped you escape hell? And in exchange, you give him Park Jimin?!" Yoongi's voice grows with every word spoken.  Taemin was the last person Yoongi ever expected to help Namjoon.

Namjoon nods with a solemn expression. "I was desperate to get out of hell and see Jin again."

"Obviously you did much more than see Jin hyung again." Hoseok scoffs, looking up at Namjoon's hair. Namjoon already told them that he got his powers back, omitting the part where he and Jin had sex. "And where is Jin hyung now?"

"With Taemin..." Namjoon mutters, his jaw clenching at the thought of Taemin doing anything to hurt Jin.

Hoseok throws his arms up with an aggravated sigh while Yoongi burns holes in Namjoon's skull with a fiery glare. 

"I'm going to fix all this." Namjoon assures, though, it doesn't lessen the tension between them.

"You damn right you're going to fucking fix this."

All eyes fall on Taehyung and Jungkook as they approach the group. After the call with Dawon, Yoongi had to call Taehyung to tell him the bad news. Jungkook was upset and distraught, but Taehyung was livid.

Taehyung steps before Namjoon and grabs him by the shirt collar, slamming him against the car. His face was stoic, eyes dark and filled with anger and rage.

"Lee Taemin?! Out of all the fucking demons you had to make a deal with, it had to be LEE TAEMIN!!" Taehyung booms out loud, his voice rippling through the park like a shockwave, capturing the attention of a few bystanders.

Taehyung's grip tightens, eyes going wide with fury. "Not only did that bastard take my precious Jimin, but he also took my friend Jin hyung and my sweet little Hanzo." Taehyung was growling at that point, baring his teeth at Namjoon as his hands tremble with built up fury. "You better figure out a fucking plan right now Kim Namjoon, because this is only a small glimpse of the wrath that im about to unleash upon your dumb-ass!"

"Taehyung.."the brunette feels a hand on his shoulder and snaps his gaze over to Jungkook, whom was already crying and shaking.

"Jungkook.." Taehyung lets Namjoon go and comforts his boyfriend, letting Jungkook cry on his shoulder. "Baby, don't worry, we are going to get them back." He assures as he throws a dead glare at Namjoon.

"You better have a good fucking plan of action, because Taemin isn't going to be easy to deal with." Says Yoongi.

"I know, thats why I need both you and Taehyung for this fight." Namjoon says, earning strange looks from everyone.

"How are they supposed to help? They are humans." Hoseok questions.

Namjoon takes in a deep breath, knowing what he was about to do was going to be a huge sacrifice on his part. "I'm going share my powers with you two."

Everyone is silent, all eyes on Namjoon. "What the hell did he just say?" Dawon utters, her voice comes out weak, almost inaudible.

Taehyung and Yoongi were just as shocked. Never would they have imaged Namjoon to give up his powers so willingly.

"Namjoon, you do realize that by turning me and Taehyung into demons, you become a half demon, rendering you weak." Yoongi informs. "Are you willing to take that risk?"

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