± The Wrath of Kim Seokjin ±

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Namjoon makes quick haste as he rushes through the startled crowd, his hands tucked into his pockets, hiding the gun.

Ultimately, he couldn't kill Taehyung.

Despite all thats happened, Taehyung is still his friend and so is Yoongi, though their friendship is one sided at the moment due to Namjoon fucking it up and trying to take over the world.

He rushes into an alley and spots a dumpster near the far end. Smiling, he takes out the gun and throws it away.  Even if someone were to find it, its not like they can trace it back to him since his fingerprints aren't in the system.

"Pretty stupid of you to disobey me." Namjoon whips around to face whomever was talking to him, only to be met with a punch to the stomach.

He drops like a ton of bricks as all the air leaves his body in one short breath, replaced by a sharp intake of pain. Namjoon looks up at his attacker, scowling in defense when he sees it's Taemin and two of his guards.

"You had one simple job and you fucked it up. And they say you have an IQ of 148. Ha!...as if." Taemin scoffs in disgust with Namjoon. He then crouches down and grabs Namjoon by his jaw, nearly breaking it under his vice grip. "You fucking owe me for helping you escape from hell and this his how you repay me?"

Taemin raises his other hand and slaps Namjoon across the face, the blistering sting from the slap, mixed with the brutal cold air, causes his face to go numb. 

"I should kill you now and let the devil ride you out until your dick falls off." Taemin spits at Namjoon. "But watching you suffer is much more enjoyable."

Taemin looks to his guard and gives them a firm nod. They both crack their knuckles and approach Namjoon, both attacking him at once.

Namjoon curls into a ball as he gets punched and kicked from all over. His body aches, blood seeps from his mouth, and with one good stomp on his side, he feels his rib crack, drawing out a gargled cry from him.

"Enough." Taemin commands and the men stop their attack and stand beside their master, leaving Namjoon curled up on the ground like a lump of trash.

Taemin approches Namjoon and grips his hair, forcing Namjoon to look him in the eyes. "You will bring me Park Jimin without failure." Taemin hisses out and let's go of Namjoon. "You have one week. I'll be waiting." With that final order, Taemin turns his back on Namjoon and leaves with his guards.

Namjoon remains curled up on the ground, vigorously coughing out blood as he groans in pain. The snow fall has gotten thicker, coating Namjoon's crumpled body under a blanket of a snow.

He lays there on the ground, staring out into nothingness as he thinks about what he has to do. He really needs to see Jin again, and this time he's going to make things right.

"I can't die...not without seeing you again, Jin.." Namjoon takes a short breath and concentrates, using what little powers he has left in him to heal his cracked rib. He groans and moans in pain, but after a few minutes, his wounds are healed.

He quickly gets up, dusts the snow off him, and creeps out of the alley and back into the crowded streets. From there, his destination was certain. He was going back to Jin and put an end to this madness.


The next day...

"Why the hell are you so cheerful this early in the morning?" Yoongi mutters as he takes a sip of his coffee while watching Taehyung prance happily around the living room.

They were both waiting on their boyfriends to finish getting dressed. Today, they were going to meet up with Jin and his friend to get their paperwork done.

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