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A few more days have passed and it was already Christmas Eve.

The entire apartment smells of fresh herbal tea and brimming with holiday lights. Taehyung was in the kitchen, sipping his tea, when Yoongi comes out of his room fully dressed and plops himself on the couch with a wide gummy smile.

"What's got you in such a good mood this early in the morning?" Taehyung asks as he takes a slow sip of his tea.

"I finally had sex." Yoongi says, and without a moment to spare, Taehyung grabs his tea cup and rushes over to the couch, nearly crushing Yoongi under his ass as he plops next to the shorter male.

"Spill the tea bitch. I want it all."

Yoongi rolls his eyes and scoffs, but still his gummy smile never falters. "It was fucking amazing."

Taehyung squeals loudly and pinches Yoongi's cheeks, instantly earning a glare from Yoongi.

"Did you use the clothes I bought you?"

"No." Yoongi pouts. "Hoseok wanted it to be special, but he told me I can fuck him as Yoonji next time."

"Can I watch?"

"Fuck no." Yoongi cringes at Taehyung. "You have two boyfriends, watch them fuck."

"I do, but its not the same." Taehyung sips his tea and sighs deeply.

"Use your phone and film yourself." Yoongi mutters, then slaps himself on the mouth at his mistake. Its already too late as Yoongi looks to Taehyung, groaning at the mischievous boxy smile on his face.

"Thank you Yoongi! You are a genius! I can't believe I forgot about that!" Taehyung pecks Yoongi on the cheek and rushes over to the kitchen to grab his phone that was recharging. "So, why are you dressed up?" he asks as he sets up his phone for recording.

"My sunshine and I are going out for a date. We'll be back later." Yoongi replies and looks to his bedroom door. "Sunshine, are you almost done?" He calls out.

The door opens and out comes Hoseok, fully dressed and ready to go. "Sorry for the wait, I was looking for my watch." He says as he adjusts the said item on his wrist. "Ready to go?"

"Yes, let's go before Taehyung starts annoying me with his sex talk." Yoongi grumbles as he gets off the couch and goes for his shoes.

Taehyung stands at the kitchen, pouting at the both of them. "Where are you going?" He asks, looking like a curious child.

"We are going out for a walk. It's christmas eve and I want to show Yoongi the lights at the Han River." Hoseok says as he puts on his shoes, then his coat.

"Oh, that sounds lovely. Just be careful." Taehyung tells them and they both nod, understanding the meaning.

Since the encounter with Namjoon, Taehyung was worried, just like Yoongi. Jungkook was worried too, but Taehyung convinced him that everything was going to be alright, through there were still lingering doubts about it.

Jimin is the only one who doesn't know about Namjoon's return. Its because Jimin doesn't remember much of anything after the rapture, only the part where Taehyung turned to ash before him. Jungkook told Taehyung the truth about Jimin one night while Jimin was in the shower, and Taehyung felt it was better that way. The less Jimin remembers about Namjoon and the rapture, the better.

"Taehyung, where is Jimin?" Hoseok snaps Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"He's at the preschool. They are having a small christmas party for the children and he was picked to chaperone."

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