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Where Yoongi just wants to help but Jimin doesn't want to let anyone in.


this story will contain depictions of mental illness - kleptomania and its side symptoms and things like depression, eating disorders and anxiety. there will be warnings at the start of anything serious (self harming) but still read with caution. when writing these, i did research but i've never experienced them and could only portray them based off diaries and my own interpretation. i don't think they're depicted well but i hope they're not romanticised - i never intended on romanticising it, and never would.

jimin will experience a lot of things in this and it might come across as over the top, done only so it can be dramatic and for angst, but i swear it's not. in hindsight, i'm not sure how accurate it was but every time i did any kind of research, the internet basically said kleptomania occurs alongside this long list of other things.

any time you see an asterisk ( * ), it means there's a note at the end of the chapter giving you information on whatever's just happened (usually some kind of information on kleptomania

IMPORTANT: none of this information is meant for self-diagnosis. DO NOT diagnose yourself based off these notes. if you feel like you relate a bit to jimin, please talk to someone - family, friend, professional, just someone you trust


100K reads
200K reads
300K reads

written by 97KING 2015
completed 2016
reposted 2019

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