phone sex

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A/n a little phone sex doesn't hurt no body

Chapter 7

Kakashi went home thinking about the kiss him and (y/n) just shared. He couldn't be too mad at the situation that just happened earlier. Yes, he kind of felt like that kabuto surely did something to ruin their moment where Kakashi's real lips would have touched hers and he wouldn't just feel fabric. But he was still happy.

He looked at the paper with her number on it. Homes phones were new to the ninja world, but he was really glad he signed off the paper to enable them to sell them to public. He planed on calling (y/n) and talking to her for hours.

Kakashi finally reached his home and put the number next to the phone. He went to his living room and sat on the couch. He opened the book that he received from (y/n) he looked at the inside of the cover and noticed that there was writing on it.

'My dear (y/n) I will love you always. HAPPY BITHDAY- Anto'

The thought that (y/n) was once married kind of made Kakashi feel bad that he was falling for a widow. But it made him apricate her even more. She was strong and a happy person, even after everything that has happened to her. He began to read the book. It defiantly was no erotica. But it seemed more softer and to Kakashi this was something that really touched his heart. The books main character was a female who so far was in love with a king.

"a king huh?"

Kakashi decided to close the book and read some of it later. He has yet to eat so he thought he would go out and get some miso eggplant soup. He went out of his home and headed to the food vendor district. He found the famous ichiraku ramen shop and entered. He took a seat at one of the booths in the back.

He looked around and saw all the couples. He always found it annoying that they were all lovey dovey. But he can now see, if he had (y/n) he would want to do the same thing. His food finally came, and he downed the entire thing. As he put his bowl back down and put his mask back up he looked up and noticed that (y/n) was with Kabuto ordering ramen to go.

Kakashi got up and left money on the table for the bill. He followed them to see what they were up to. He kept his distance, but he could still hear their conversation. They grabbed their lunch and proceeded to walk out the shop.

"thank you for treating to lunch Kabuto. But after we eat we really should finish shelving those books."

"ah what's the rush. We will get it done eventually"

Kabuto put his arm around (y/n) shoulder. But thankfully before Kakashi could intervene she removed his arm.

"Kabi-kun please, we already talked about this."

"Oh come on (y/n). remember our night at the motel. How can you say that to me?"

"that night was a mistake, I don't even remember any of it"

Kakashi was getting interested in the conversation. He was shocked, did they get intimate he thought. Kabuto spoke up.

"so, the 6th Hokage is someone you like but not me"

"You are Anto's friend I could never do that to him"

"He would want you to be with me"

"He would want me to be happy, and I am not with you, you only remind me of him"

She continued to speak

"lets just eat this and finish up the books, I'm waiting for an important call."

They walked into the store. Maybe it was not a good idea to snoop on their conversation. Kakashi felt emotions he has never felt before. He was upset that she was still talking to a guy that she had sex with, yet she has no feelings. But she was happy that she stood up to him and let him know that she was not interested. But something felt off to Kakashi. He didn't think kabuto would back off that easily. Kakashi then knew that when the day of the wedding came. He was going to officially ask her to be his girlfriend. Maybe then, that 'Kabi-fuck" will back off.

With that in mind he returned home. By the time he reached home it was the bookstore closing hours so he took a shower and then got in his bathrobe. He finally decided to call her.

As he picked up the phone he dialed the number. It rang a couples of time and every ring his heart beat faster and faster. The phone finally was answered. He heard a muffling sound on the other side then a voice came clear, his heart finally settled when he heard her voice.

"hello, this is (y/n)"

(y/n) was fumbling with the phone wire, she was hoping it was Kakashi. She had just finished fixing the books and when she came through the door she heard the phone ring, she did not know for how long, so she had run to it to answer it.

"aw hey (y/n), its Kakashi"

She heard his voice and her heart was finally at peace.

"Ah Kakashi it is so good to hear your voice. It has been a long day. I finally finished helping kabuto."

"well you should take a hot shower to relive your stress"

"well let me just take my dirty sweaty clothes off right now. So I can wash my dirty body"

(y/n) didn't know what she was doing but it seemed Kakashi liked it. She dragged the phone to the bathroom.

"What are you going to take off first?"

Kakashi played along.

"My dirty shorts that are going down my sweaty hot thighs"

Kakashi's hand had a mind of its own as it went towards his twitching cock. He closed his eyes.

"oh, now what dirty fabric are you going to take off now"

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"oh, now what dirty fabric are you going to take off now"

"maybe my tight shirt that clings to me like the hands of someone I want"

"take it off"

"now all that's left is my bra and underwear."

"what color are they"


"I know that color would look so good on you, but right now I want that off right now"

"your wish is my command"

They both started breath heavy into the phone

"my body is ready"

"ready for what"

"for my hot steamy shower. But before I get in. tell me Kakashi."

"tell you what?"

Her voice went back to normal

"the wedding dummy, what should I wear, when should we meet?"

"oh yeah hmmm. Dress like you would for a wedding and ill pick you up at your place for the wedding. Ill be there at 4 the wedding starts at 5. Ok now where were we."

"I was getting in the shower. So ill see you later Kakashi, have fun with your imagination."

She blew a kiss over the phone. She hanged up. Kakashi was left on the phone he looked down at he bulging crotch all he could think was


But somehow her teasing just made him want her more.

"watch out (y/n) I don't like to play with my food"

A/n dont forget to vote if you guys enjoy.

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