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Where am I?

What IS this place??...This room...It feels like I'm about to throw up...Didn't like that habanero sandwich either...It was way too spicy... Didn't feel HEALTHY either...It was hard pushing it down...Didn't look nice either....Wait...What the hell am I thinking....!!!! THIS ROOM!!! Where am I????

And why is everything GREY???? So many questions...So much to find out....feels like I'm about to BLOW UP!! AHHHHHHHH!?!?!?!?!?!?!? OK...DEEPBREATHS....*EXHALE*...*INHALE*...*EXHALE*...*INHALE*....Ok... First things first, "Analyze".

Grey....why is everything GREY? Wait...It's not grey, is it? ...It's chequered, Black and White...Very fine black and white squares...giving the overall a grey tone...But WHY???

Ok...*sigh*...Ok...Now we're gettin' somewhere...Before me is a couch for three, in front of which is a three-legged circular table. The top is, for some reason, mirrored but foggy. The couch is flanked by two armchairs, one on each side. They are both separated from the main couch by two small plant pots...the plants in them have withered and it feels like they are SCREAMING for water... just like little babies do for their food... never liked them anyway....FOCUS!!...FOCUS!!!...So everything is facing me...

I can see three walls of THE ROOM, in front of me... Obviously...But these walls are humongous, and looking up, I can't see the end of them...they just extend to infinity...ultimately "FALLING INTO THE DARKNESS".........

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