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"So, what you are basically saying is that EVERYTHING is going to end... and you expect ME to stop it?... Yeah right...", said the Boy.

"And you ARE gonna believe that and have Faith...", imposed Adon.

Both of them quietly stared at each other. The Boy then leaned back on the couch and looked at the ceiling, imagining a clear sky instead of the moldy, old ceiling. He faced Adon again:-

"And people are gonna die because of this?"

"No... Much worse... MUCH... MUCH... WORSE.", replied Adon with a peculiar acuteness.

The Boy sensed a change throughout the air, it started to smell a lot like Gasoline. Adon asked the Boy to stay calm:-

"You see... People are afraid of things they don't understand...Sometimes this Fear is justified like fear of a wild animal, its gonna harm you. But other times... they just scared of pointless shit... like Death."

"Wait... WHAT!!!!... Look... I can't tell if all this is happening for real or if this is some sort of  horrible dream... I just want out, man..." 

Adon stays cool and collected, rather sophisticated throughout the conversation which makes the Boy feel uncomfortable.

"Listen, Death does not end your existence...Its like Metamorphosis... You know... When slow, cocooned Caterpillars change into free, flying Butterflies... Its not imprisonment... its Freedom." ,said Adon with a disturbingly cold and stern manner. The Boy started to shiver and his Heart started beating out of his chest. He felt as if something had gotten into Adon and was, now, taking over Adon's Body. He got up from the couch and started to back up while still facing Adon. Adon, on the other hand, stayed0 in his place, not moving a muscle. Suddenly He started shouting to the Boy, "BOY!!!... YOU CAN'T LEAVE... YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION... STOP!!"

The Boy continued to shuffle backwards, through the hallway, towards the door while still facing Adon, watching him while moving away. He finally reached the door but found it locked! He turned back just to see Adon standing right behind Him. He gasped  and then screamed with eyes wide open. Adon put his massive hand on the Boy's mouth to make Him shut up. He, then, gestured at the Boy to calm down. The Boy followed the cue and started to take deep breaths. Adon asked the Boy to get Soda from the fridge and cool down. Both of them stood still, for a moment, in the hallway. As soon as the Boy started to walk away from the Door, to get the Soda, a rhythmic KNOCK started at the Door. Both of them looked at the Door. There was a sharp increase in the temperature as the room began to heat. Adon yelled, "GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!!". The Boy got behind Adon and both of them backed up to the couch.

There was a Second Knock on the door, with the same pattern...  But this time...

THE DOOR BURST OPEN WITH A BLAST!!!... Smoke fillED the hallway.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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