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The Boy's feet were now sore from walking. They passed all kinds of buildings throughout this ongoing walk, some new, some old, some still being made or rather created. During this, otherwise boring, walk the Boy noticed a peculiar man coming out of a huge building, which had lots of corporate offices; You could tell by the Signboards, all ending at 'Inc.' or 'Corp.' The man was 'out of this world', he was living in an age that no one else knew about, mainly because his suit was 'weird', to say the least. He wore a magenta colored suit with patterns of tropical leaves and different vibrant flowers which felt like neon lights from a distance. The man felt happy, rather satisfied, with a sense of accomplishment on his face.

Both Adon and the boy were amused by this ridiculous sight, but Adon's smile soon turned into a frown when he saw a woman exiting the same building following the man.

The woman wore a brown long coat, with a red beret.She had one hand clutching her purse like it carried the Crown jewels of the United Kingdom. Adon put his hand on the boy's shoulder and said:

"Look, Whatever you do, avoid contact with that woman...AT ALL COSTS!!... You hear me?", The fear in his trembling voice could be felt, even smelled. The Boy didn't expect this legitimate fear of a woman in Adon. He reckoned it was a fear not for Adon himself, but for the protection of the Boy.

The woman caught sight of these two. It was almost like the anticipation in a horror movie, if the predator or the monster would see the girl hiding in a closet or not. Her eyes glared upon these two, and for a moment the whole world: The birds, the cars, a man sitting at a bench nearby sipping his coffee,  the crowd of people rushing across the road and along the sidewalks, went into slow-motion. She walked towards them, her chin raised along with an eyebrow. She felt like the personification of arrogance, itself. At that moment the boy felt the two sides of his body rushing opposite to each other, with one side wanting to punch the woman when she got close and the other wanting to curl down on the floor and beg for mercy. He could feel one side pulsating with hot blood and the other shaking and trembling. He looked at Adon who looked  equally pale despite his black skin.

"Hey!!" The woman said with an unexpectedly smooth and soothing voice.

Both the Boy and Adon standing with blank faces with no response.

"Okay... This is no way to treat a friend now... is it?" Now looking at Adon.

"Ar- Arhiman... How are you doin'? ...huh?" Adon let out a forced chuckle just to ease the tension... It didn't help.

Bizzo pulled Adon to the side grabbing his shoulder. Just far enough so the Boy couldn't hear. 

"You did NOT tell me about him" referring to the boy with her eyes. 

"I'm not obliged to tell you anything... okay? I don't owe you anything... You owe me everything... Everything!! you hear me!!" Said Adon forcefully pushing his words towards her while stopping his voice from being too loud. He immediately backed up, like getting back into character.

"Look at yourself... who are you... Nobody... Just a F*cking nobody... while I'm here, owning my own business... Just for your information... so that you can prepare your little pip here... I HAVE ALREADY RECRUITED 6 OUT OF MY 'SEVEN MEN'... that's right... Consider it a friendly heads-up... You should have seen the 6th one... He's a banger!!" She changed her tone back to calm again.

"Yeah I think I saw that Louis Vuitton looking ass..." replied Adon with a sarcastic voice.

"Yeah... That's him... that's the one... One more and my '7 Deadly Men' would be ready to rip that Boy of yours apart" She almost whispered.

"This time He'll be ready... He has to be." said Adon now with a feeling of disappointment in his words.

"Just out of curiosity how many times does that Boy has to suffer this?"

"This isn't a suffering... He just doesn't realize his purpose right now..." He sighed

"Yeah... RIGHT!"

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