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The door won't budge. I think its locked from the other side. There's a small tag above the knob that says 'PULL', but that doesn't seem to work. The moment I realized there was a Door here, I rushed so bad, and hurt my ankle in the process. The door was an old wooden door, with a green tint (mostly because of the disgusting mold). the doorknob was golden, without even the slightest of stains. Maybe it was recently polished. At this point I have given up on panicking...isn't helping much, OBVIOUSLY!. The whole room has a weird musk that reminds me of an old, sealed off attic plus soggy shoes (Also because of the mold). the wooden structure that I have come to accept as a Room is certainly fortified by the thick wood in the walls, which seem to carry the burden of the world.

The hearth of the fireplace is red hot, but the room doesn't feel that cozy. Its uncomfortable and 'wet'.

Theres a shelf above the fireplace. And...Wow!..Theres a beautiful Penjing Miniature of a Garden with a huge wide tree which has a single, little, tiny apple hanging from a branch. The apple almost looks like a small red ruby, with the same glitter. Its very tempting to grab it right now. the Tree is surrounded by a plethora of small red and white dots, which are supposed to be flowers... I guess, but the whole base looks pink.

My mood's pretty good right now, even though I'm locked inside of a room, which can be the basement of a psychopathic killer, for all I know. But still, apparently, that ruby apple did something that can only be described as surreal, at the moment.

Back to the depressing room, There's a sudden shake, a tremble, an earthquake. It started out slow but now it has increased in magnitude and I have to place my hand on the wall next to the fireplace in order to keep my balance.

I didn't expect it be a short one, maybe God postponed it... WOW!! JUST WOW!! I still can't figure out these weird quips that come out of my mouth... they're just pure dumb!!!...makes me wanna punch myself in the face.

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